Chapter -35

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Author's POV

Njn: Rain... It's... I don't know what to say.... But remember... You have me...
Rain: I know... And I'm happy that I have you....

They both reached Nin's apartment and they went in and got fresh... Nin was leaning on the bed... Rain sat beside her and gave her medicines and water... After making sure that Nin took her medicines... Rain patted Nin head...

Rain: Good night....

Rain got up but Nin caught his hand.... Rain looked at her hand then at her and sat down again beside her....

Rain: Are you in pain? Or do you need anything?

Nin just started deep into Rain's eyes.... Nin them held Rain's hand in hers...

Nin: Can I ask you something?
Rain: Sure...
Nin: If that day.... Our reports didn't get exchanged.... Would you have told me about your condition?

Rain looked at their intervened hands and tightened his hold on her hand...

Rain: I told you earlier... I don't want regrets... And you... You mean a lot to me.. Do you think I would like seeing you sad?

Rain smiled at her which made her tear up.... Rain wiped her tears...

Rain: Little fool.... Go to bed... It's late...
Nin: Stay with me tonight....

Nin patted on the bed beside her asking Rain to join her on the bed.... Rain smiled and nodded his head.... After making Nin comfortable on the bed Rain also got on the bed together with her.... Rain extended his hand and Nin rushed towards his embrace.... Rain held her close to his chest.... And she also hugged him tight....

Nin: Rain...
Rain: Mm....
Nin: Have you thought about the thing I asked you last time at the hospital?

Rain's relaxed expression got a bit stiff hearing her question...

Rain: I gave you my answer....
Nin: But... You know... The biggest wish of a girl is to be a mother... I also want to be one...
Rain: I know.... I would love to see your child but.... Your body can't handle it... I don't even know how long you will be able carry your child or you will be able to see your child....
Nin: I know Rain.... I know everything... I know may be I'll die even before I get to see my child for once but still I want to feel it... I want to feel my child and I trust you.... I trust that you will take care of my child.....

Rain looked at her.... Her eyes determined.... He didn't know what to say... As a doctor he doesn't want to see his patient die but as a friend he wants to fulfill her wish... Rain closed his eyes and sighed.... He looked at her in the eyes again and nodded his head....

Rain: I'll protect both of you... You and our child....

Tears started felling down her cheeks... She smiled and kissed him.... Rain returned the kiss.... He then pulled off from the kiss...

Rain: Are you sure you won't regret this?
Nin: I'll never regret being yours....

Rain kissed her again... The slow kiss started to get heated... Rain got on top of he and kissed her forehead then her nose then her lips.... Nin took off Rain's shirt revealing his well built body.... Nin got up and sucked on his neck... Making Rain feel things.... She continued doing it and leaving marks... Rain hands romwd around her body and in an instant her top was off and then her rest of the clothes were off... Rain made her lay down on the bed and spred her legs leaning close to her and capturing her lips... He grabbed both of her chest squeezing them hard while kissing her which made her moan into his mouth... Rain was satisfied with her reaction.... Rain pinched on her nipple which made her moan in pleasure and pain... He then removed rest of his clothes and started kissing her whole body.... He made marks on every inch of skin he touched... Nin was getting aroused being stimulated again and again.... He pulled back a bit and looked at Nin who was covered in hickeys made by him.... He smiled and captured her lips in a messy kiss.... While kissing his one hand went down while the other was playing with her nipples.... Rain gently touched between her legs and he realised she was really wet.... Rain's touch send a immense amount of pleasure though her body.... She looked at Rain....

Nin: Touch me....
Rain: Where?

Rain knew what she wanted but he wanted her to say it....

Nin: Here...

Saying that she led his hand between her legs... Rain entered one finger inside he... He moved it fast that made her come in seconds....

Rain: You are so horny for me....
Nin: Took you long enough to realise.....

Nin smriked.... Which earned a devilish grin from Rain.... He suddenly enters another finger inside he making her scream in pain and pleasure and before she could recover he started moving it fast and deep inside her and he entered a third finger.... It was too much pleasure for her to handle... She came again...

Rain: You already came twice... Now it's my turn....

Saying that Rain slipped his length deep into her making her scream in pleasure.... He didn't stop he kept hitting her spot deep and fast.... While doing it he took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked hard on it and pinched the other with his fingers.... It was too much pleasure for her to handle she started feeling dizzy because of all the pleasure...

Nin: I....I...I'm....
Rain: Me to.... Wait for me......

Saying that Rain increased hus speed and after a few minutes both of them came...... Rain was sweating.... He layed beside her.... He looked at Nin worriedly.....

Rain: Are you okay?
Nin: I'm...
Rain: How do you feel?
Nin: Great... It's been long since I had sex and it was the best sex ever....

Saying that Nin kissed him.... He kissed her back...

Rain: You should sleep now...
Nin: But you are still hard... I can feel you inside me getting hard again....
Rain: I'll handle it myself....
Nin: But I want you to have me... I want you to fill me up tonight....
Rain: But...
Nin: Don't worry.... I'll let you know if I'm not feeling well...

Rain shook his head helplessly....

Rain: Don't forget that you asked for it!!!

After that they both continue for a few more rounds.... Nin was already asleep by the time they finished.... Rain cleaned her up and got on the bed with he... He pulled her close to his chest and kissed her head....

Rain: Please be strong.... Stay with me... I don't want to lose you to... I'll do anything to keep you and our child save....

After that he also feel asleep beside her... Next morning Rain made breakfast and both of them had it together.... After that Rain went back home... As he entered he was greeted by Payu who was sitting on the couch... He looked like he was waiting for someone.... Just as Payu saw Rain he got up and went towards him....

Payu: You are back....
Rain: yeh....
Payu: How are you feeling? Do you have a hangover? Want me to get you something?
Rain: No need I'm fine... I just want to sleep for a while...

Saying that Rain went past Payu.... Payu noticed the mark on Rain's neck.... He was no fool... He understood what those marks means.... He felt like something in his was breaking into pieces.... He could feel the pain inside him... But there was nothing he could do.... He just watched Rain going upstairs to his room.....

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