chapter -18

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(After 2 months... In the Mansion... Everyone is sitting in the meeting room.. But the kids are not there.... Except Pai and Payu.....)

Pete: So what is this sudden meeting about?
Kim: Venice?
Payu: It's about the Italians...
Khun: Then again? What the hell is wrong with them?
Kinn: Khun let him continue....
Payu: You guys know that they have been our enemies for a long time and are still trying to harm us... But Now I have got some leads... If we manage to succeed this plan we can end them forever....
Vegas: So what's the plan?
Payu: One of us have to go to Italy and execute this plan.....
Kinn: I'll go...
Pai: But there is a problem dad...
Porsche: What problem?
Payu: They know you guys.... We have no power in Italy... Once you guys land there... They will get alerted and things won't go as we have planned....
Chay: Then what?
Macao: How are we going to do it?

(Payu and Pai look at each other.... Then faces the others...)

Pai: They know you guys.... But they don't know us...
Kinn: What are you trying to say?
Payu: I'll go...
Kim: Care to explain your plan?
Payu: I have a friend in Italy.... You guys know her... Uncle Gin's daughter... Rose.. She have got everything ready for me there... With her help we can execute this plan....
Pete: How long will it take?
Payu: It'll take some time... Maybe a few months....
Porsche: So you are saying... You will be gone for months and we won't be even able to contact you?
Chay: What if something happens? How will we know that you are safe?
Payu: Don't worry... I'll take care of myself well and if something happens I'll let you know...
Kinn: If something happens you are coming back the next moment... Understood?
Payu: But?
Vegas: No buts....
Top: I don't think you should go...

(Everyone looks at Top.. They were stunned to hear him.... Top has always taken part in the meeting but he never said a word during all those time....)

Pete: But why P'Top?
Top: Because of.... Rain....

(Everyone looks at Top curiously.... Because they are worried about Rain.... Top sighs and continues)

Top: Rain is dependent on you Venice... He just got over his past... He is physically and mentally fit now... But having you not by his side may hurt his mental state... It may lead to dipression...
Kinn: Rain is our priority... We will wait... There will be other ways to deal with them....
Porsche: I agree...
Kim: Me too..
Pete&Vegas: Met too...
Pai: Me too....
Khun: Me too..
ArmMacao: Me too...
Payu: I know you guys are worried about him but we can't wait anymore.... They are planning something big... We have to deal with them soon... If not our whole family will be in danger.... As for Rain... I don't want to leave him... But I have to.... You all are here to take care of him... I know you guys won't let anything happen to him....

(Everyone looks at each other....)

Pete: We will protect him Venice... But we are not you... They person he needs is you... We won't be able to fill that place...
Payu: Just keep him company.... I'll come back soon... He studies are going to get tough so he will be too busy and I'll back even before he realises it....
Vegas: Fine just do what you want....
Kim: When are you leaving?
Payu: In a week....

(The night before going to Italy... Payu is packing his bags and Rain is sitting on the bed with a book not paying attention to Payu... Payu notices that Rain is not giving him any attention.... Rain has been like this ever since he got to know that Payu is leaving.... Payu packed his bags and went beside Rain and pulled his legs and made him lie in the bed and then Payu got on top of him and took his book and placed it on the table....)

Payu: Are you sulking?
Rain: I don't want to talk....
Payu: I'm leaving tomorrow morning and you won't be able to see me for months but yet you are avoiding me for a week...

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