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Mature content ahead 🔞🔞🔞🔞


(Rain knocks on the door and goes inside.... He stands in the middle of the room and suddenly he is greeted with a slap on the face....)

Mike:🔥🔥How dare they? How dare they speak to me like this?🔥🔥

(Rain's father is burning in anger.... Seeing his anger Rain realised that he is going to go through a lot today.... Mike went to the shelf and moved some books and there is a fingerprint scanner.... He presses his finger on it and the shelf splits into two and there is room... Rain's eyes widened.. he knows his room... Only he and his father know about this room... Rain calls this room hell... Because he knows what happens in it.....)

Mike: 🔥🔥 Come!!!

(Rain follows him... He enters a room with a dark colour.... There are many tools in the whole room... Chains, whips, Sex toys, knives and other this for torture... He then closes the room)

Mike:🔥🔥 Take your damn clothes off!!!

(Rain does as he is told... Then Mike pinned him on the wall and started clocking him...)

Mike: Scream all you want!! I'm going to make you scream the whole night!!🔥🔥

(Mike takes off his clothes and grabs Rain's length and squeezes it hard and Rain cries in Pain...)

Mike: How dare they insult me like this? 🔥🔥Who the fuck do they think they are??

(From Mike's words Rain realised that someone at the company made him angry.... He pinned Rain on the wall with the chains... Rain's back is facing Mike.... Mike takes a whip from the shelf... But this time it's not a normal whip..this one has small nails on them... Mike gives a hard slash on Rain's back with it... Rain's skin broke and blood started flowing... Rain screams this makes Mike want to hear him scream again... Mike whipps him for some more time and he gets close to Rain and thrust his length into Rain... Rain screams his lungs out... Blood started coming from Rain's inside.... But it didn't stop Mike...)

Mike: Ohh... Where you not ready for daddy? No worries we have a whole night for ourselves 🔥🔥🔥

(Mike starts thrusting hard into Rain... Rain screams in Pain... He hates being like this... But he doesn't have a choice other than enduring it.... Mike then comes inside Rain and blood and some white substance started flowing through his thighs.... Mike then moved Rain in front of a mirror... Rain looks at the mirror and he can see... His and Mike's reflection on it.... Mike is standing behind Rain and pinches on Rain's nipple hard from behind....)

Mike: You slut!! Don't take your eyes from the mirror.... Enjoy seeing you reaction when I fuck you.... Enjoy seeing daddy fuck you my little bitch!!! And make yourself come okay? If you take your eyes off or you didn't come.. next time it won't be my dick.. see that rod over there... It will be fucking you later understood?

(Mike lands a hard slap on Rain's ass..)

Mike: How did I teach you to answer me bitch?
Mike: moan daddy's name whole night... Or else you won't get out of this room for days... Understood my little slut!!
Rain: Yes daddy...

(Mike started pinching on his nipples hard....)

Mike: Moan daddy!!
Rain: Daddy...

(Mike grabbed Rain's hair and stayed spanking him... Rain cries in pain...)

Mike: I said moan not to cry...

(Mike started spanking harder and Rain did as he was told.... He held his cry and started moaning...)

Mike: Don't take your eyes off... See how your enjoying it.....

(Mike suddenly smashes into him... Rain lets out a loud scream.... And kept thrusting in him....)

Mike: Moan you slut!! Beg to daddy.... Beg for more!!!

(Rain couldn't say anything... Mike gets angry and takes a clip from the side of the mirror and puts it on his nipples... Rain cries and tries to take it off but his hands are chained....)

Mike: You didn't listen to me... So it's going to hurt!!

(Saying this Mike started thrusting in him harder and deeper...)

Rain: Ha..rder...daddy...
Mike: That's like a good slut!! Moan louder let daddy hear you....

(Rain started moaning louder and Mike came again.... He pulled out from him and took the clip off his nipples... Rain's legs gave out and he was hanging on the chains.... Mike pushed him on to the bed...)

Mike: Don't you dare close your eyes... It's not over yet....

(Mike takes a rubber stick from the shelf and hits Rain's stomach... It leaves a red mark... Mike continues doing it... And then he got on top of him and continues fucking him.....)

(After some time Rain opens his eyes and sees him covered in dry blood... He checks the time and it's 4.00 in the morning.... He tried to get up but he couldn't.... He didn't give up and got on his feet.... He took the first aid box and had some painkillers and cleaned himself and wore his clothes and left the house.... It was Raining hard but Rain didn't care... He couldn't feel anything.... He went to his dorm and took a shower and applied medicines on his wound and went to sleep....)

(After 3 days at the canteen....)

Dean: Hey Sky, Pharm...
Pharm: Hii... P'Dean, P'Pai and P'Payu...
Payu: Where is Rain? Isn't he joining us for lunch?
Pharm: We are also searching for him...
Pai: What do you mean?
Sky: He didn't came for class today... I called him and he didn't pick up and sent me a text saying..." I'm not coming today... Inform the teacher about a sick leave...."
Payu:(panics)What happened to him? Is he okay? Should we check on him? Will he be okay alone?

(Sky and Pharm look at him in confusion.....)

Dean: Try calling him again...
Pharm: Okay...
Pai: Put it on speaker....

(After a few rings... He picks up the call)

Pharm: Rain where the hell are you? Why aren't you picking up your phone?
Aky: It me Aky...
Sky: P'Aky... How is he? Is he Okay?
Aky: He is fine... Just a small fever... He is sleeping.... He just took his lunch and medicine and fall asleep....  Do you want me to call him?
Pharm: No let him sleep...
Aky: Then I'll hang up..bye guys...
Rain:(low voice)Cuddles?
Aky:What do you take me as your cuddleing pillow?
Rain:(low voice) bitch...
Aky: You little piece of shit!!
Rain:(weak voice) Fine..sorry...let me sleep...
Aky: Okay...come here you brat!!..
Pharm:(giggles) looks like he forgot to cut the call....
Sky:(giggles)Hung up... I don't want to hear gives me chills....

(Sky and Pharm are giggling... But they didn't realise that someone was burning from jealousy... Dean and Pai are shivering because of the look Payu is giving....)

Dean: Who was it?
Sky: It's P'Aky...
Pai: Are they in relationship?
Pharm: I guess no...
Payu:(cold)What do you mean?
Sky: They know each other since high school and are close but they never said they are dating they say they are friends...
Dean: But they seem more close than friends....
Pharm: That's why we have a doubt on their relationship.... Actually he is a really nice guy... He is handsome, a musician, he knows how to cook and he takes really good care of Rain...
Dean:(jealous) how do you know all these?
Sky: Last time when he got sick... He took care of him and Rain told us about it...

(Payu is at his peak of jealousy....)

Sky:(low voice)I just hope he is happy...
Payu:(calm) What do you mean?
Sky: Nothing... I just hope he will find the one for him and be happy....
Payu: I was meaning to ask you about this.... Where did he go last time between the dinner? I haven't seen him since then...
Sky:(sad)He.... Went to see his friend... And then he got a cold..... So he has been staying at his dorm since then...
Payu: Friend? Which friend?
Sky:(annoyed) Do you know all his friends?
Sky: I.. I'm sorry for being rude... I'm just worried about him... 😔
Pai: Let's eat or else we will be late for class....😅😅
Dean: Yeh he is right..😅😅

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