chapter -25

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Rose POV

What the Fuck was that? How could they make her the leader?? Payu is the one who should be the leader.... I have loved him since we were kids.... I wanted him and his position and his power.... First it was that son of a bitch Rain and now another bitch Sun.... No it can't happen... I have been working my ass off all these years for this... I won't let any bitch take it from me.... Payu the position the Power all are mine... Just mine... I took Payu back and just like that I'll take the power and position too..

Author POV

Rose was behaving like a Maniac and screaming at her reflection in the mirror... After a while she calmed down and went and joined the others.....

Next day

Everyone was enjoying their time together... Sun was laying down on the beach with eyes closed wearing dark blue shorts and sleeveless shirt that are not buttoned revealing her skin and absorbing the sunlight... Rose approached her and sat by her side....

Rose: Mind if I join?

Sun didn't show any interest and just continued laying there... Rose sat down beside her... She was wearing a bikini which was screaming that she is hot and a glass of drink...

Rose: You have a really nice figure.... Those abs... You might really like to work out....

Rose tries to speak a little seductively..... Sun looked at her and continued laying down closing her eyes...

Sun: What do you want?

Sun straightforwardly asked her.... But Rose Just tried to ignore it...

Rose: Nothing... I just wanted to have a talk...
Sun: Mm...

Sun didn't say anything and the silence between two continues.... At last Rose broke the silence...

Rose: What type of people do you like?

Rose slightly touched Sun's abs which were revealing.....Hearing Rose's question and her touch... Sun sat up and looked at her and leaned close to her face with a smile.... Rose smiled back at her... Sun got close to her ear....

Sun: The is only one person I like... My love... My soulmate... My wife... Paris... If you don't want to die... Stay away from me bitch!! Because I won't hesitate to kill you and for your information no one will be able to stop me... Not even your stupid boyfriend....

It was a threat.... Sun was serious Rose felt it... She was shivering because of Sun's dark dominat voice... She knew that Sun was not joking and she will kill her for sure.... She is X one of the most deadliest one in the... She is know as the grim reaper not for fun...

Rose didn't say anything more... She stood up and left their.. just as she left Paris came to Sun... Sun who was giving a deadly vibe was now looking at Paris with shine in her eyes... She made Paris sit on her lap and kiss her back of neck ...

Paris: Why did she come?
Sun: To seduce...
Paris: What?!!!

Paris screams in anger and was about to beat Rose when Sun hugged her tightly...

Paris: Let me go... I'll deal with her...
Sun: Don't worry she won't come to me again... You know how scary your hubby can be...
Paris: But how dare she come to you...
Sun: Just a few days more and we can deal with her... Just because of your brother I didn't kill her...
Paris: I know....

Rose's POV

Fuck!! I almost got killed.... Seducing won't work on her... I have to think of something else... I have to do sometime...

(Payu approached her...)

Payu: What happened?
Rose: Nothing.....
Payu: Want to play in the water?
Rose: No... I am a bit sleepy.. I'll go and sleep in my room...
Payu: Want me to accompany you?
Rose: No it's okay...
Payu: Then call me.. if you need anything....

(Saying this Rose went towards her room)

You are mine Payu... No matter what I will take it.... You guys gave me no choice... I have to take it the hard way... Trust me I won't hurt you guys.... Because you guys won't be alive to experience Pain....

Author POV

Rose was smiling evilly.... She then took her phone and made a call....

(Meanwhile at the beach...)

Payu was playing with everyone when he saw Rain running and Sky chasing him... Rain suddenly tripped and fell down.... Payu saw it and suddenly had a headache... Some memories started coming into his mind...

Payu's POV

It was about Rain... We were playing just like this in a beach but the one chasing him was Me and I remember Rain giggling and running away from me... Those memories made my heart feel at ease.... I then looked at the scene in front of me were Sky is sitting on top of Rain who is lying down on the sand... Both of them smiling and giggling... I realised that the smile he has now is nothing compared to the one he had in the past.... I felt a pain in my heart remembering his past told by the others....

Pai: You okay?

I looked at Pai who was standing beside me with a worried look...

Pai's POV

I was looking at Sky who was chasing Rain when I realised that I am not the only one looking at them... Payu was staring at Rain... His eyes were shining... The shine he had in the past when he used to look at Rain.... But suddenly it was replaced by Pain... Tears filled his eyes.... I got worried.... I called him and he came out of the terrace he was in....
He looked at me......

Payu: I....I just saw something....
Pai: What?
Payu: One of my memories with Rain.... It was on a beach... Me running after him and he smiling and giggling.....

I realised what he was talking about... He has only taken Rain to beach once before he left... That day the four of us went together for the vacation....

Pai: It was when you guys were together... The four of us went out for a vacation....
Payu: Pai do you think I....?

Before he could finish I cut him off....

Pai: Messed up?
Pai: You know the answer yourself....

Payu's POV

When Pai told me about the Vacation... I started remember some images in my mind but it was not clear... But the voices were... It was Rain... Pai and Sky... They teasing each other and last I heard Rain saying... I love you P'Payu... My heart cleanched and I was about to ask Pai if I messed up but he cut me off.... He was right... I knew I messed up.... I messed up but times.....


Sun: So you guys ready?

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