chapter -9

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( Rain looks at the Sky and tears fill his eyes...)

Rain: I knew that he had feelings for me... I knew it from the Start but I avoided it... I thought he will give up but he didn't.... He confessed to me... I just wanted to jump into his arms but you know what I did? I asked him if he wanted to sleep with me... I insulted his feelings for me... I told him I don't like him....
V: You seem to like him so much... Then why?
Rain: Because he doesn't deserve someone like me... He deserves someone better...
V: What do you mean? You seem like a nice guy to me...
Rain: You saw me last time when i got beaten up... But I didn't just got beaten up....

(V stays silent... Rain looks at him then he looks at his shoes then in the sky again...)

Rain: You staying silent.... That means you know what I am talking about right? You must have realised seeing those marks on me....
V: Mm... I sort of knew... Why are you enduring it?
Rain: I've to.. I'll endure it untill my brother has a stable life... After that I'll leave that house...
V: You should have just killed him or reported him to police....
Rain: Do you think I don't want to do it? My Mom... She likes him... And he likes her too...
V: Likes her? Then why does he do it to you?
Rain: Because he likes her too much... He becomes a whole new person when he is irritated or mad and he doesn't want to hurt mom... So he... 1st time he did it to me.. I was bed ritten... And he beated up my brother... I was already in this mess and I didn't want them to go through this so I... If she didn't like him so much I would have killed him with my own hands....
V: Are you okay with sharing these with me? We have only met twice...
Rain: I don't know... I just felt like letting everything out.... I couldn't tell these to someone who is close to me but you... You are a stranger I met.. So i guess I was able to tell you all these...
V: mm... Let's meet here at midnight every Friday... I'll listen to you and you will listen to me...
Rain: Sounds good... But what if one of us can't make it?
V: We will just wait for 30 min if one  of us doesn't come by then we will leave...
Rain: okay.. It's nice knowing you Mr.V
V: Nice meeting you too...

(Weekend at the birthday celebration... Rain, Sky and their friends all have come to celebrate Sky's mother's birthday....)

Sky: Let's cut the cake...

(Rain brings the cake and places it on the table... Everyone gathers around it...)

Pharm: Make a wish and blow the candle Aunty....

(She closed her eyes and made a wish and blew the candle... And she feeds Rain and Sky then the other kids...)

Pai: What did you wish for Aunty?
Dean: If she says it out it won't come true...
Lov: But I think It will only some true when I say it out...
Sky: Then say it Mom..we will make it come true...
Lov: I wished that... Both of you will complete your studies get a job and will find yourself a partner.... I want you two to find the one whom will love and cherish you...

(Sky's face turns red and Pai grins seeing Sky.... And the others look at each other and smile...)

Sky: Don't worry... We will make your wish come true... Right Rain?

(Rain was staying silent and everyone was looking at him... He looks down and he looks at Payu... Payu is standing there looking at him... His eyes show hope... Rain sighs...)

Rain: I'll finish my studies and get a job as for the other thing I don't think I can...
Lov: But Rain....
Rain: Mom... You know... So please don't say anymore... It's your birthday... You should enjoy it...

(Later at night... Everyone is having fun talking, having food...)

Pai: Aunty can you tell us about Rain and Sky's childhood?
Lov: Sure... Let me tell you.. When they were young.. they used to fight a lot... Once Sky even made Rain cry... Sky said he is annoying and he doesn't like him.. Rain got really hurt by his words... Since then Rain started avoiding Sky... If Sky was eating Rain won't go near him he will eat later... He won't play with him... Sky got really sad seeing Rain avoiding him and he went to Rain's room in the middle of night... And he slept beside him and hugged him and started crying... I went to Rain's room thinking something happened to him and I saw Sky hugging Rain tightly and crying his lungs out and saying sorry.... Since then Sky has been sleeping with him in his room...
Sky: I used to think that when i get up he will leave me.. so I used to sleep with him... Hug him so tight that he won't leave me....
Pai: I didn't know Sky had this side of him... I always that he was a sassy guy but a cute one...
Sky: (blushed) Shut up!!
Lov: I have been meaning to ask this... Is there something going on between you two?

(Pai and Sky froze... They look at each other and grab the drink and start drinking it... Others looked at each other.... Rain is holding his laughter...)

Rain:😏😏 What do you mean by something?
Lov: Like dating?

(Pai chokes on his drink... Rain burst out in laughter...)

Lov: If you guys think I'm not okay with... It's not like that I'm okay with it... I'm happy to have another son... And it's not like I don't know about your preferences...
Sky: You knew that I like men...
Lov: Sky I am both of your mother... I know my kids.. okay? So tell me are you both?
Pai: Sorry to tell you like this... You are right Aunty... We are dating...
Rain: I told you she knows... But you didn't believe me....
Lov: Don't call me Aunty call me Mom....
Pai: You mean?
Lov: I told to I'm happy to have another son..
Sky: Thanks Mom...

(Lov looks at Rain who is busy mocking Sky and having his drink.....)

Lov: Rain...

(Rain looks at her...)

Lov: You have someone you like don't you?

(Rain stops drinking and stares at his drink...)

Rain: No I don't.... Do you think someone like me will fall in love?
Sky: Rain...

(Before anyone could say anything more... The door bell rings....)

Sky: Who is at this hour? Let me go and check....

(Sky goes to open the door and after a while he comes back with a worried look and looks at Rain...)

Payu: Who was it?
Sky: Dad...

(Rain's mother's face turned pale... Rain looked at her and held her hands and nodes at her like saying..."it's okay" and Mike came in.. )

Mike: Looks like we have a lot of guests...
Lov: Didn't you say you won't be coming till Monday?
Mike: It's your b'day how can I miss it? I completed my work early...

(Mike comes and hugs his wife)

Mike: Happy Birthday my love... This is for you...

(Mike gives her the gift and Sits beside her...)

Mike: Hi everyone... I'm Mike... Her husband and their father.... Hi Pharm.. haven't seen you for a long time...
Pharm: Hi uncle...
Mike: Sky... Won't you introduce them to me?
Sky: This is P'Payu... This is P'Pai...and this is P'Dean... They are our seniors...
Payu: Nice to meet you Khun Mike...
Mike: Nice to meet you guys too...

(They all started talking and having food....)

Mike:(smiles)Why are you so quite Rain?

(Lov and Sky looks at Rain...)

Rain: Nothing...
Mike: Haven't seen you for quite some time.... How have you been?
Rain: Good...
Mike: I called you the day before I went to the trip but you didn't answer my call...
Rain: My phone died... I saw your calls next morning...
Mike: Ohh okay... It's the weekend... So you will be staying here tonight right?
Sky:(panics)I don't think he can... He said that he has to go for his part time job...
Mike: You can just take a day off right Rain? Can't you do this for your Dad?

(Mike looks at Rain and smiles.... Lov was about to say anything but Rain held her hand and smiled at her...)

Rain: Sure... I'll stay here....

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