chapter -7

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(The next day at the University.... Facility of Medicine.... Pharm is walking in circles calling someone from his phone.... Rain walks towards him...)

Pharm: Where were you? Why aren't you picking up my calls?
Rain: I didn't get a call...

(Rain takes his phone out of his pocket...)

Rain: Ohh... it's dead I didn't realise it..
Pharm: Give it to me... I have a power bank...
Rain: the way... Where is sky? Is he not here yet?
Pharm: No... I called him but he didn't pick up... We still have some time before the class starts.... He must be on his way here...
Rain: Then let's sit somewhere... I'm tired...
Pharm: Okay....

(They went to sit on a bench beside them Rain was tired so he was basically sleeping on Pharm's shoulder... After a while Dean,Pai and Payu approached them....)

Pai: Hey...guys....
Pharm: Hi.. P'Pai....
Rain:(sleepy) Hi...
Payu: What happened to you? You look tired....
Pharm: Where did you go yesterday that you got so tired?
Rain: The club where I work part time had some trouble... I went there to help them... Then we had dinner together and some drinks.... I drunk to much.... When I got up I hurried to the dorm got changed and came here.... I still have hangover.... That's why I am tired....
Pai: Did Sky call you guys?
Rain: He didn't call you?
Pai: I tried calling him but he didn't pick up....
Rain:(He hasn't been late before and he is not even picking up his phone.... Did something happen???)

(Pharm turns on Rain's phone and it's started ringing because of many messages and missed calls...)

Pharm: you have a lot of missed calls and messages from yesterday.... someone named Mr.Mike.... isn't that your dad??

(Rain's face turned pale.... He snatched his phone from Pharm and started reading the messages.." be here in 30 minutes".... " It's been an hour where the hell are you"..... " you dare ignore my messages. I'll make you pay for it".... " Be ready.... You have to pay a high price for not coming and ignoring my messages".... The others notice Rain getting worried..)

Payu: Rain...are you okay?
Rain:(mumbling) Sky!..Sky... No..he...oh..shit!...he....(screams)Fuck it!!...

(Rain suddenly grabs his car keys and runs towards his car.... The others call him but he doesn't mind them and goes towards his car...)

Dean: What's going on?
Pharm: I don't know... He looked paled and worried....
Payu: he was mumbling about Sky...
Pai: Let's follow him... Sky is not picking up his phone.... I can't wait anymore... Let's go...
Pharm: Okay...

(Pharm,Dean, Pai and Payu hurried to Dean's car and they started following Rain.....)

(In Rain's car.. Rain is trying to call Sky but he is not picking up and it is making him more worried....)

Rain:(mumbling in a daze..)Did he do something to him? He won't he promised.... Sky... I'm sorry... I failed to protect you.... Sky I'm sorry....

(Tears started flowing from Rain's eyes....)


(Little Rain is playing  in Sky's room.... Mike comes in....)

Mike: Rain... Where is your mother and Sky?
Rain: They went to see the aunty in the neighborhood....
Mike: Oh..okay... Then let's play together... Okay?
Rain: okay dad ..

(Mike gets inside and closes the door... He picks Rain up and makes him lay on the bed...)

Rain: Dad... What are you doing?
Mike: We are going to have fun... Take off your clothes....
Rain: But .... I... I..
Mike: Listen to daddy okay... Take it off...

(Rain takes off his clothes and he is wearing only his boxers... Mike takes some clothes from Sky's closet and Ties Rain's both hands on either side of the beds....)

Rain: Dad... I'm scared... I don't feel like playing.... Let's stop this...
Mike: No need to be scared.... You are going to enjoy it... Let's play....

(Mike takes off Rain's boxers....)

Rain:(crying..)No..I don't want to... Mom...Sky...Dad... I don't want to play.... Mom....Mom....

(Mike gets annoyed hearing his crying and he takes Rain's tshirt and stuffs it in Rain's mouth.... Mike approached Rain but Rain started moving and kicking with his legs... Rain kicked on Mike's stomach and it made him mad...)

Mike:🔥🔥 You!!!!! You are going to get published for being bad....

(Mike takes off his belt and starts hitting Rain with it.. Rain started crying in Pain but no voice came out from his mouth...... Rain gets wounded and he becomes unconscious.... Mike then takes off his clothes and starts touching Rain.... He abused him and Raped him...)

(After an hour Sky and his Mom came back.... Sky went to his room... The door was not locked so he opened the door.... What he saw shocked him.... Sky stood there and froze..... Mike was fucking unconscious Rain and screaming his pleasure that he didn't notice Sky behind him... After a few moments....)

Sky:(yells)Rain!! dad!!!!

(Mike gets stunned seeing Sky.... Sky is looking pale.... He isn't moving and crying.... Mike quickly gets dressed... Lov hears her son screaming and she rushes upstairs to his room and sees Sky standing by the door... She calls him but he is standing there crying in a daze... Lov looks inside the room and sees her husband standing there and Rain laying on the bed wounded and blood coming out his body from his wounds and Ass... Lov falls on her knees.... Mike gets out of the room and stands beside Lov...)

Mike: Shut up!! The Dr will be here soon.... Nothing happened here understood?

(Saying this he leaves.... Lov covers Rain with the blanket and removes the clothes from his mouth... Suddenly Sky falls unconscious.....)

(The doctor came and checked on Rain... He gave him some medicine and treated his wounds and asked him to rest for the next few days.... As for Sky he was traumatised... Lov started fighting with her husband because of what he did to his children but Mike got angrier day by day and one day he ended up beating Sky to vent his anger... In the end Sky ended up in the hospital because of the beating.... Rain started blaming himself for all these...)

(In Mike's office...)

Mike: What are you doing here?
Rain: Please don't hurt them...
Mike: Who are you to tell me what to do?
Rain: Don't hurt him... I'll do anything as you say...
Mike: Anything...?
Rain: Mm...
Mike: Okay... I won't do anything to him... But you have to be here whenever I call you and don't let them know...
Rain: Mm...

(They both did as they said.... Mike didn't lay a finger on Sky and Rain went to him every time he called.... After a few days Sky and his mother realised everything...)

Sky: No... I don't care if i get beaten up... I won't let him hurt you... I'll protect you...
Rain: Sky... Please... You know what hurt me the most? It's seeing you in pain... These beating doesn't matter to me....
Sky: But he just beat you...he...

(Sky starts to panic and starts Shivering... his trauma started acting on him..... Rain hugs him...)

Rain: He just beats me... He doesn't do anything else... It's true I promise... Please just don't meddle in it... I can take care of everything... Please Sky.... Sky the best way you can protect me is by not provoking him.... I can endure it but i can't see you like this please Sky.. listen to me... Trust me... I'll end everything one day... Please....
Mom:(crying)Rain... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry for everything
Rain: Mom... As long as I listen to him he won't hurt him... Just wait until both of us get independent.... I won't let him do anything anymore... I'll protect you both...

(Flashback ends)

Rain: I won't let him hurt you.... If he does... I kill him with my own hands...
I'm sorry Sky... I'm sorry.....

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