chapter -26

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Author POV

(On call)

Rose: When will you guys be here....?
Guy: Today itself... We have one of our people already in the kitchen... He has drugged the wine.... Make sure not to drink the wine at night....
Rose: I'll take care of it... I want everything to end today....
Guy: Don't worry Ma'am... It will end today....

Rose ended the call.. There was an evil grin on her face.

(Meanwhile at the beach)

Rain is talking with Aky..... Both of them are playing around... Others are also spending time with each other and playing around....

Payu's POV

I don't know but I can't take my eyes off Rain even for a second... The way he is being close with Aky I feel my blood boiling.... Aky is applying sunscreen On Rain's body... He is touching is shoulder.... His back.... His chest.... His abs.... He... No...he can't touch him... He doesn't have the right to touch him like that... He is mine...he can't touch what's mine... No...No...No....No...No!!!

Pete: What happened are you okay?

Pa Pete shook me and I realised that I screamed my last words.... Everyone was Looking at me including Aky and Rain with a confused face....

Pete's POV

I was having a drink with Khun and Arm when I heard Venice screaming suddenly.... I think he was in a dream or something... He was scared... He might have not realised but there were tears in his eyes...

Pete: What happened are you okay?
Payu: I... I am good..

He is good? It's written on his face that he is not.... I took him with me for a bit of privacy and got both of us some drinks...

Pete: Care to talk?

He was staring at his drink...

Payu: I...I don't know... I can't control these feelings.... I feel like I'm Loosing myself... When I look at Rain... There are some images that keep coming into my mind.... Most of them are not clear... But I can feel it.... I can feel the emotions during that time and.... And I can hear voices... It's.... it's Rain's... Him giggling.... laughing... Pouting at me... Even our intimate moments... I can feel it.... I can feel How...How...
Pete: How happy you guys were?

He looked at me.... There were tears flowing from his eyes.... I couldn't see my son in Pain like this...

Author POV

Pete wiped the tears from Payu's face....

Pete: Now you realise why we didn't agree to your marriage and all? Because in the end... You will be the one in Pain... You will never be happy with that life....
Payu: But even now... I... I'm not happy Pa... It's hurting me.... It's killing me Pa...

Payu hugged his Pa and cried... Pete held him tight and caressed his back...

Pete: You have been holding it in and suffering all this while my baby.... Let it out... Don't keep it in... I'm here for you... Just let it all out....

Payu hugged Pete tight and cried he cried his heart out... After a while he calms down.... And both father and son were having a talk when Vegas and Sun joined them...

Vegas: Mind if we join?

Pete and Payu looked at them and Vegas went to his wife and kissed his cheek... Vegas sat with his wife and hugged him from behind... Sun sat infront of the three of them...

Sun: Did we disturb the father and Son moments?
Payu: No..we were just having a talk...
Vegas: You okay?
Payu: I'm good dad...
Vegas: Good to know...

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