chapter -16

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Author: I was planning to update tomorrow.... But one of my fans requested me to update today..... Since it's her birthday today.... I'm uploading this chapter because of her..... And once again.... Happy Birthday....

I hope everyone will like this chapter....


P'Pakin: Came to meet him....
Payu: Do you guys know eachother?
P'Chan: Yes...
Vegas: How do you guys know him?

(P'Pakin and P'Chan looked at Rain as if asking him " What to say?")

Rain: I'll tell you.... Actually My real dad and P'Pakin were friends.... I have seen him when I was little they used to come to our house... After their death I moved to Sky's house.... Since then I haven't seen him.... A few years ago I met him coincidencely and we recognised each other..... And....
Payu: And what?
Rain: And he also helped me participate in race....
Pai: Race? But we never saw you before in the race?
Rain: Actually we have.... I also raced against you...
Pai: But I don't seem to remember you? Do you?
Payu: No..

(Rain looks at P'Pakin and P'Chan and they chuckle....)

P'Chan: Your last match..... You lost to him...
Payu: You....mean?
P'Pakin: Rain's name he uses during race is Deaf....

(Payu, Pai and the other kids are shocked..... The adults couldn't understand what was happening)

Porsche: Can anyone tell me what's going on?
Pai: Pa do you remember I told you that I lost the last match....
Porsche: Yeh...
Payu: It's Rain... He was that Racer....
Vegas: Rain?
P'Pakin: Rain wanted to release his stress so i suggested  him to race.... Just like his father he was talented in it....
P'Chan: So he used another name... Deaf...
P'Pakin: Porsche.... Vegas.... Do you remember Rik?
Porsche: Yeh... He was an excellent Racer... And...
Vegas: And our friend...
P'Pakin: Rain is Rik's son... His one and only son....
Vegas: Is it true?
P'Chan: yes...

(Vegas and Porsche were stunned.... Porsche started tearing up and went to rain and hugged him... And cried...)

Paris: Do you know his dad?
Vegas: We used to race together.... Me Rik and Porsche.... We met Rik's family once when Rain was born and he just a few weeks old.... Then Rik gradually stopped coming to race and started focusing on his family more.... Then we got to know that he and his family passed away.... And his wife's family took in his son...
Rain: Mike is my mother's older brother... After their death they tooke me with them..
P'Pakin: Rik and Nim were like my family to me... I was relieved to know that Rain was with Lov because Nim told me how much they loved Rain.. I wanted to protect him and the only way to protect him was keeping his away from me and this world..... But I never knew what he was going through....
Rain: Why are you bringing up the past...?? See I am okay now....
P'Chan: You are lying on the hospital bed and you are saying you are okay?
Rain: It's just a small wound and my body is a bit weak... I'll be okay in no time... So don't worry about me....
P'Pakin: Yeh right....
Rain: Khun Porsche... Khun Vegas... Actually my dad told me about his friends with whom he used to race.. He used to say that he missed the time when you guys used to spend together.... He really missed you guys....
Porsche: We missed him too....
Vegas: He was younger than us... He was just like Macao and Chay for us... When he chooses to be with his family we were happy with his decision.... But we never thought of something like this will happen..

(Rain looks at Pai and grins)

Rain:😏😏Do you want race with me again?
Pai: Sure... But this time I will win...
Rain: You said it last time too...😏
Payu:(serious)You are not going to race....
Rain: 🥺🥺 But why? I want to race again....
Payu: I won't allow you to go out until you are recovered completely.... Let alone go for racing....
Rain: I will be discharged in a week.... Please please....
Payu: I said No Rain.... Don't make me repeat it...

(Rain pouts and sulks and turns around and covers him completely with the blanket.... Everyone laughed seeing Rain sulking cutely and his little action.... )

P'Chan: Did we miss anything??
Pakin: Is there something going between you two?
Payu: We are dating....
P'Chan: What? When?
Payu: A few days....
P'Pakin: He is a little stubborn kid... Take care of him....
Payu: I will...
Rain:(under the blanket) I'm not a kid!!!

(Everyone laughs hearing Rain yelling under the pillow...)

(Payu was taking care of Rain all the time... When he couldn't make it... Sky, lov or someone else from the Theerapanyakun always accompanied him.... Rain was really happy to see people caring for him... After Rain was discharged he wanted to go back to his dorm.... But Pete and Porsche dragged him to the Major Mansion with them.... After a couple of weeks Rain was completely okay.... During this time he got close with everyone in the family....)

(Rain is laying on the bed and Payu is getting ready to go to bed.... Payu came and lay down beside Rain and pulled him towards him.... Rain was now laying on Payu's chest....)

Rain: P'Payu....
Payu: Yes kitten...
Rain: I want to stay at home tomorrow...
Payu: Tomorrow?
Rain: Mom is leaving the day after tomorrow morning.... I want to spend some time with them....
Payu: Okay.... Take care of yourself then...
Rain: Thank you Phiii... After Mom leaves I'll come back with Sky....
Payu: Okay... I'll send you to your house before going to University....
Rain: it's okay I can go myself.....
Payu: No I want to send you.....
Rain: Okay my stubborn boyfriend....
Payu: What did you call me just now?
Rain: Boyfriend.... What don't you like me calling you that?
Payu: What do you mean like it? I love it... But I prefer being called husband more.....
Rain: Husband? Then why don't I just call you dad....

(Payu sat up suddenly.... And looked into Rain's eyes who was surprised Because of Payu...)

Payu: What did you just say?
Rain: That why don't I just call you dad?
Payu: Call me daddy...
Rain:(blushes) What? way..
Payu: Come on Rain... Call me....
Rain: Noo... I'm embarrassed...
Payu: Rain.... I'm yours... You are mine... There is nothing to be embarrassed about between us.... Come on please...

(Rain looks at Payu and his face turned red....)

Rain: Daddy...

(Payu lost himself and smashed his lip into Rain....)

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