Chapter -34

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Author's POV

(Later at the club)

Rain, Payu and the others reached the club... They got settled and ordered their drinks.... Rain was looking around when he spotted a girl smirking at him....

Rain: Holy shit!!

Everyone followed Rain's gaze and saw a girl in a small red dress with all curves at the right place... She had a cute face with a sexy body... That screamed fire!!

Kay: Ohh... You have your eyes on a nice one...

Payu didn't like Rain looking at her nor the way that girl looked at him...

Sun: She is Coming here...

Before anyone could say anymore the girl came towards them... She stood in front of Rain and bend down and kissed Rain's cheek...

Nin: You look hot Doc....

Saying that she sat on Rain's lap and smiled at him... Rain looked at her annoyed... She then looked at everyone...

Nin: Hi guys!! Nice meeting you all...
Sun: you guys know each other?

Rain sighed...

Rain: She is Nin... she is my Patient.. What the hell are you doing here? Didn't I tell you avoid drinking....
Nin: Please Doc... Don't start nagging... I have only few days left... Let me enjoy and do the things that make me happy... I don't want to have regrets...
Rain: But....
Nin: Don't worry... I'll still come to you for my check ups... You know I have a crush on you right? I'll come to see you till my last breath...

She winked at Rain and Rain smacked her head... Everyone was just looked at both of them with amusement...

Rain: Don't talk like that to me... I won't let you die so soon...
Nin: I know you won't... That's why I love you so much....

She leaned her face close to Rain.. Rain pointed his finger on her forehead and pushed her face away from his face...

Rain: Enough fooling around... Get off me..
Nin: No...There are no seats... Let me sit here... It's comfortable....

She hugged him tight... No matter how much Rain tried she won't let go....

Rain: Please.. Have mercy on me... I just want to get laid... If you keep keep doing this I won't get one for myself...

Rain looked at her with his puppy eyes... She just chuckles and smooched his cheek....

Nin: How can I let go of you if you are going be so cute? And didn't you hear me say That I love you... Then how can you ask me to give you to someone else?

Rain sighed hard and rubbed his face with both of his hands....

Rain: You won't let go of me today...
Nin: Yep... You are right...
Rain: Then suit yourself....

Rain took his drink and gulped it down in one go....

Pai: Are you sure she is just your patient? There seems to be more to it...

Pai asked Rain curiously.... Rain just glared at him...

Nin: Let me tell you... I really like him... I meant it... But I can't keep him nor he has that sort of feelings for me....

Nin looked at Rain lovingly....

Aky: What do you mean by you can't keep him? And you talked about regrets and all earlier....

Everyone looked at her for an answer...

Nin: I mean it when I said that I don't have much time left... I've cancer... And now it's beyond limit and there is nothing to do to cure it... So, my days are numbered and I don't want to waste my last days in the hospital... I want to enjoy and make up for all the time lost in past....

Nin looked at Rain...

Nin: Do you guys want to know why I love him so much?

They all nodded their head including Rain...

Nin: Because he was the only one who asked me to live...

They all looked at each other.... Nim looked into Rain's eyes with a small smile....

Nin: When I got to know that I'm at the last stage of cancer and any treatment or any operation couldn't save me... I didn't want to let my lover know about this I wanted to break up with my boyfriend so that he won't suffer with me.... But he found out about it... Just when he found out he broke up with me.. He left me to die... I was a fool to think that he would choose me.. not just him my family and my friends no one was there when I needed them the most... They all left me.... And then I choose to end my life... I committed suicide but in the end I was taken to the hospital and saved... It was Rain who saved me... After checking up on me he told me..."I don't know what you are going through but don't make yourself suffer... You deserve to be happy... Live... Live for yourself... I'll be here come to me if you need anything..."

Nin didn't realise that she was tearing up while talking.... Rain gently wiped her tears off... Nin them wiped her face herself and looked at everyone....

Nin: Then I went to him... We talked and I told him about my condition... We became friends... And I became his regular patient and his friend and he became my crush and my only family....
Vegas: You never told me about her....
Sun: Actually he did Dad.... Don't you remember? He told us that he got a new friend and she is also his patient... But he didn't tell us anymore because of his ethics as a doctor....
Vegas: Yeh.. now I remember....
Kinn: It's nice meeting you Nim...
Nin: It's nice meeting you guys too... Actually Rain has told me about you guys and I got a chance to meet you guys... I'm really happy...
Min: So what did he tell you about us?
Nin: He said that he has some people who consider him as his family and loves him as their son... And have many brothers....

They all talked for a while and had their drinks... Nin fell asleep after a while on Rain's lap... Rain chuckled and caressed her hair...

Kim: It's late we should go now... They must be back by now...
Rain: You guys go ahead... I'll take her home...
Kinn: But how will you go?

Rain took car keys from her purse...

Rain: I'll stay at her place tonight... She had quite a few drinks... She will be in pain later....
Vegas: Okay... Let me know if there is anything....
Rain: Okay Dad...

Rain carried her in his arms and took her to her car... They all bud their goodbyes and left....

(In Nin's Car)

Rain is driving and Nin is sitting beside him.. She opened her eyes and looked around...

Rain: You are up?
Nin: Hmm... Where are you taking me?
Rain: Your home.. I'll stay over tonight...
Nin: You know you are always welcome at my place...

They car was silent for a while... Then Nin broke the silence....

Nin: You haven't told them yet right?
Rain: Hmmm....
Nin: Why? You should tell them before it's too late....

Nin looked at Rain worriedly...

Rain: Didn't you say earlier that you don't want to have any regrets?
Nin: Yes...
Rain: Do you know what my biggest regret is?
Nin: What?
Rain: Seeing them sad because of me....
Nin: But Rain...

Before Nin could say anymore Rain cuts her off..

Rain: I've seen them being sad for me many times... When they knew about my parents... When they knew how much I suffered... When P'Payu left me... When he didn't return.... When I fell sick.... When he returned.... When he didn't want me... When I didn't choose him... Every time something happened to me I saw how much they were getting affected because of me.. I saw tears... And I don't want to see them sad anymore... Not until the day I die.....

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