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Sun's POV

My heart ached seeing him so broken in my hands.. I held him tight letting him cry as much as he want... After a while of sobbing he was silent and I moved him a bit and saw that he was sleeping... He must have exhausted himself by crying so much... I just chuckled at his cute little face... Then I picked him up in a bridal style and took him into his room... I helped him into the bed and tucked him... Then I went out for a smoke.. I was letting the cool breeze hit my face and blow the smoke away when I heard Rain crying from inside.... I went in and saw Rain clutching the blanket and crying... I went towards him and took him in my arms... He was mumbling...

Rain: Don't touch me... No.... Please it hurts... Don't hurt me... P'Payu... Where going...? also.... abandoning me...? Please... No... Don't go... Mom...Dad... please..... don't go... I'll be good... please.... No.. Don't....

After hearing his mumblings I couldn't stop the tears flowing from my eyes... I drew small circles on his back...

Sun: I'm here... No one will hurt you... I'll protect you Rain... Your whole family will Protect you... Your Dad Vegas nor me or any one of us will let you get hurt.... Everything will be alright... You have us... Your family Rain... Your Family....

He started sobbing in his sleep... After a while he was back to normal... I tried to make him lay on the bed but he wasn't letting me go... I made both of us comfortable on the bed and let him sleep on my arm while hugging my waist... I gently ran my fingers through his hair... He was getting relaxed.... And slept peacefully... I took my phone and texted Paris.... After a while I also fell asleep with the little kitty in my arms....

Rain's POV

I woke up and tried to move that's when I realised that I'm not alone in bed... I opened my eyes and saw Sun sleeping beside me... Then memories of last night came to my mind.. I just smile looking at her... It's not the first time we are sleeping together... Whenever I have difficulty sleeping Dad or Sun accompanies me... Not just them everyone does... They make me feel that I'm not alone and I have them to depend upon...

Rain: Wake up sleepyhead....
Sun: let's sleep a bit more baby...

Sun hugged me and snuggled close to me..

Rain: Wake up I'm not your wife...

I flicked her forehead and she opened her eyes annoyed.... She looked at me and chuckled...

Sun: Ohh it's not my beautiful wife but the little kitty of the family...

I pouted and she just pinched my cheeks...

Sun: Ohh the little kitty is pouting...
Rain: Do you want to get scratched by the kitty?

She looked at me confused and I just grinned at her and picked a pillow and hit her face... She laughed and picked another one and hit me with it... And we both started having a pillow fight... After fighting for a while... She flipped me on the bed and got on top of me...

Sun: You are getting punished for picking a fight with me....

She laughed and started tickling me... I have been laughing hard...

Sun: How does it feel kitty?
Rain: I'm sorry... I'm sorry....
Payu: What are you guys doing?

Hearing the sound both me and Sun stopped and looked at the door... P'Payu was standing there looking at us... From the way he is looking at us I can see that he is angry....

Rain: Just playing around....
Payu: What are you doing in his room early in the morning?
Sun: Because I slept with him last night...?

Sun said it as if she was asking a question rather than answering him and I chuckled... I pushed her from on top of me... She fell on the bed...

Sun: Hey!

She looked at me annoyed and I just stuck my tongue at her.... She laughed and got out of bed... Just then Paris came in pushing Payu away from the door.... Sun smiled at her and Paris jumped into her arms...

Sun: Did you sleep well with everyone baby?
Paris: I did... What about you?
Sun: Good....

Sun picked her up and she wrapped her legs on Sun's waist... Paris just hugged her tightly and pecked her cheek... They were showing off their love like always...

Paris: Good morning P'Rain...
Rain: Good morning little one...
Sun: I'll go back to my room... Let's meet at breakfast after getting fresh...
Rain: Okay Phii...

After that both of them went out.... P'Payu was still there standing looking at everything.... I didn't really realise that he was still there...

Rain: Do you need anything?
Payu: No... I just came to check on you... And ask you to come for breakfast....
Rain: Okay.. I'll be there...

Saying that I got into the bathroom without glancing at him.... I took a shower and brushed my teeth and went out for breakfast....

Payu's POV

When I woke up I saw Paris clinging to me.. it's been so long since I last slept with her... I just kept smiling at her and caressed her cheek.. She snuggled close to me.. She was mumbling Sun's name... That made me annoyed... I don't hate Sun but... I... I'm jealous of her... Paris has been close and dependent on me Since young... And now seeing her being so dependent on Sun makes me uncomfortable... It's like she doesn't need me... It's the same for Rain too... Since the day I came back... I can see that he is close to her... Like he is dependent on her too... She has taken my place in their life's... That's what I feel when I seen them together... I should not think about all these... Let me go and see my kitty... I kissed Paris's forehead and got fresh and went to Rain's room.. When I was in front of his room I can her Rain's sound and another sound laughing and giggling... I opened the door and saw Rain on his stomach laying on the bed and Sun was on top of him tickling her... My past memories came to my mind... Rain sitting on my lap and being naughty and me tickling him... Seeing him being so touchy with someone else made me angry...

Payu: What are you guys doing?

Both of them stopped and looked at me...

Rain: Just playing around....

Playing around? Early in the morning? And what is she doing here?

Payu: What are you doing in his room early in the morning?
Sun: Because I slept with him last night...?

What the hell? Is she answering me or questioning me? Doesn't she have her own room? Why does she need to sleep here? And what the hell is is chuckling about? Rain pushed Sun and she fell on the bed... I'm here standing like a statute and none of them are aknowledging my presence.... They are playing around and I'm invisible... Just then Paris came and pushed me away from the door and jumped into her arms... Really? Do I really have to see all these early morning? Did they make plans to make me angry early morning? Both of them showing off their love... Sun carried Paris back to their room... From Rain's expression I realised that he forgot I was here... He asked me what I'm doing here and I told him... He just replied me and got into the bathroom... That's it? Nothing else? Great! Just great! What a great morning!!! I'm pissed early in the morning.... And I made my way towards breakfast....

             I haven't checked for mistakes.. I'm a bit busy.. I'll check it later... Sorry if there are any mistakes....

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