chapter -20

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(Next Morning in the meeting room...)

Kim: So what did you get?
Sun: We tracked his route ever since he left Italy.... He isn't staying in one place he keeps moving... The last stop was Mexico.... After that there is no trace....
Kay: But the thing is... We found out that he is good, alive, but it's like he is avoiding.... It's like he doesn't want to come back... He is running away....
Kinn: Why won't he want to come back?
Sun: We don't know the reason....
Vegas: Is he alone or with someone else?
Kay: There are some people with them but since they are not directly connected to him we couldn't find any details about who they are....
Arm: What about Rose and Mr.Gin?
Kay: Mr.Gin died almost 2 months ago... As for Rose... There is no information about her whereabouts.....
Top: Shouldn't we tell the others?
Kinn: We have too...
Sun: I think we should wait.... They are having their exams.... It will end in 2 days... Let them finish it peacefully...
Vegas: These news will affect their studies... Let's tell them after their exam...

(Like they decided.... After everyone's exam was done they told them about the information they got... Everyone was confused... All of them had the same question "Why would he do it?" Rain was sitting quietly without saying anything... Pete was crying because he was worried about his son so does the others... All the other kids were sad....)

Rain: I'm tired... I'll go to my room...

(Saying this Rain went to his room.... He turned the lights off and went to bed... Meanwhile the others...)

Top: His condition is getting worse....
Pete: Will he be okay?
Top: He has to let his emotions out... Rain is behaving just like before....
Vegas: Just like how he was in the past....
Top: He keep all his emotions in himself... He won't let it out... We have to make him do it or else...
Sun: Or else?
Sky: He started having small signs of dipression a year ago... Now it has gone worse... If he doesn't let it out... He will die from inside.... He will start selfharm... And have suicide tendency...
Top: Rain has been dependent on Payu for his emotions... He was the only one whom he could....

(Top couldn't finish his words.... Because everyone knows what Payu means for Rain... Payu was Rain whole life... Now that life is not with him... His hope is getting destroyed  day by day....)

(Rain didn't come out of his room that whole day.... At night Sun went to his room so did Vegas....)

Vegas: What are you doing here?
Sun: Worried about him.... Thought I'll take him out to have some fresh air... What about you dad..?
Vegas: Same here...
Sun: Paris said... He is a racer so i thought I'll take him there...
Vegas: Then the 3 of us will go...
Sun: Sure.....

(Vegas knocked on the door but didn't get a reply.... So he opened the door and went inside.... They saw Rain sitting on the bed.... His face is buried between his legs...)

Vegas: Let's go out... Come...
Rain: Let me be alone....
Vegas: Please Rain... Dad wants to go out with Kitty... See Sun also wants to spend time with you...
Sun: Yeh... I have even got the bike ready for you.... Let's go for a ride just the 3 of us....

(After a while Rain agreed....they got on the bike and went out for a ride... Rain started relaxing after a while.... Then they stopped at the Park Vegas and Rain used to go... Vegas told Sun to give them some time... So she went to the nearby store to get some snacks for them...)

Vegas: We haven't come here for some time....
Rain: Yeh...
Vegas: Rain... You okay my son?
Rain: I don't know... I feel like I have nothing to live for..... The day when he told me about leaving.... I had a bad feeling about it... I begged him not to leave me.... But he didn't listen... He promised me he will be back in a few months... But it's been 2 years.... I'm still waiting for him but he.... He is not coming back.... I feel bad.... It feels heavy inside...
Vegas: Just let it out... Just cry it out.. Rain... I know you don't want to make others worried but it's just me here... Remember what I told you in the past... I'll always be there for you no matter what....

(Tears filled Rain's eyes.... Vegas pulled him into a hug....)

Vegas: Don't hold back.... Let it out...

(Rain did what Vegas asked... He cried... The tears he held back all this time... He let it all out..... Sun came and saw Rain crying... She was relieved... Vegas saw her and patted beside him.. Sun came and sat beside him.... Rain fell asleep while crying.... Vegas asked a bodyguard to bring the car and took Rain back home and tucked him in the bed.... He gently caressed his face and kissed his forehead and went downstairs and saw everyone sitting there....)

Pete: So how did it go?
Vegas: Good... We talked... Then he cried for a long time and fell asleep....
Top: We should keep an eye on him but don't make him feel like a patient...
Pai: He is a fighter he will be okay...
Kao: yes... He will be fine....

(After 5 years........)


(Morning at the Mansion..... Pete got up and went to the kitchen and saw Rain there...)

Pete: When did you came back from work?
Rain: It's was 1.00 in the morning...
Pete: When did you go to bed?
Rain: almost 2.00
Pete: How long did you sleep?
Rain: Almost 3 hours... Then I woke up and couldn't sleep so I came downstairs and made breakfast for everyone...
Pete: Rain!!!
Rain: Pa don't be angry......
Pete: How couldn't I? You came back so late from the hospital and instead of taking rest you are working here and later you have to go back to hospital....
Porsche: why are you scolding him in the morning?
Pete: He isn't taking care of himself...
Porsche: Rain... Pete is right...
Rain: i know... But I just couldn't sleep so....

(Pete hugs Rain...)

Pete: Take care of yourself okay....
Rain: I will....
Kim: What's for breakfast?
Rain: Your favourite... not just yours everyone's....

(Rain gives his bunny some to them...)

Kim: Rain is the best!!
Rain: Here is your coffee Uncle Kim...
Kim: Thank you....
Pete: I'll go and wake the others... And we will have breakfast together....

(After a while everyone came to have breakfast....)

Kao: Wow! There is a lot to eat today....
Kim: Rain made all these...
Miky: Thank you P'Rain...
Aky: I think I'll skip breakfast...
Rain: Trust me Aky... I'll shove these into your mouth... So are you going to eat or not...
Aky: I'll eat...
Rain: Good...
Kinn: Sun have you got the proposal ready for the meeting?
Sun: yeh it's done...
Vegas: If you are done with breakfast lets go.... We have an metting to attend.
Paris: We should also get going to the hospital....
Top: Yeh let's go....

(Everyone got up and kissed their partners and went to work.... Leaving Pete, Porsche, Tankun, Chay, Miky and Aky at home.....)

(In the last 5 years many things have changed except one.... Payu... He is still not back..... After graduation Pai proposed Sky... But they decided not to get married until Payu is back because they were afraid how Rain will feel... But Rain pursued them saying that if they make this decision they are hurting Rain's feelings... After a year they got married... After that Sun and Kay and Aky proposed and eventually they also got married... As for Min and Kao they are still not dating.... Sun and Vegas and Kim are still trying to search for Payu all around the world.... Sun,Kay,Min, Kao, Pai ,have started helping the family business, While Aky, Miky and Chay work on music they are famous singers now... As for Paris,Tor,Rain and Sky they are working at the same hospital as Top... Everyone is moving on with their life while Waiting for Payu.... There is not a single day when they miss him... Especially Rain and Pete...)

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