chapter -15

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(At the Mansion)

(Payu goes down to the dungeon and sees Mike in the cell....)

Payu: Seems like my dad came to treat you..

(Payu's face and his words both are cold.... Mike is lying on the ground chained.. The nails on his hands and legs are plucked out.... Blood is coming out from there... There are whipped marks on his whole body.... And he is panting slowly...)

Payu: Good... You know what he asked me?

(Payu looks at Mike who doesn't have any energy left... Payu takes a knife from the table and squats down in front of him.... And he slowly cuts his chest... Mike groaned from the pain.... Payu continued cutting several parts of his body slowly and deeply....)

Payu: With this flow of blood you will die in a few minutes....

(Payu gets up and goes towards the table and keeps the knife back and grabs a gun.. he loads it...)

Payu: Any last words?

(Payu aims at Mike who is having trouble breathing.... Payu shoots the gun between Mike's legs... Mike yells loudly in Pain....)

Payu: I initially thought to cut that dick off but I don't want to get my hands dirty....

(The lifeless body of Mike is laying on the floor....)

Payu: Take care of this shit....

(Payu leaves after ordering the bodyguards...)

Macao: You done?
Payu: Yeh..
Kim: Go and wash up.....

(Payu went to his room and washed up and came back...)

Chay: So have you talked to Rain yet?
Payu: I asked him... He said he wants to stay in the dorm... Because we just started dating and he doesn't want to bother everyone....
Pete: It's not a bother we are happy to have him...
Porsche: Yeh... What about Sky...?
Pai: He is okay... He said he will move in after his mother moves back to her hometown.....
Kinn: Tell Rain that Sky is also here....
Payu: Mm...
Vegas: Do you want me to talk to him?

(Everyone looks at Vegas in surprise.... Vegas never cared about anyone other than his family.... Rain is also in his family now but he has only met him like twice but he is really interested in that kid...)

Kim: Is this really you Vegas?
Kinn: Is there something we don't know?
Payu: Dad..

(Vegas looks at Pete..... Then he looks at Venice....)

Vegas: I have known Rain for quite a long time.... For like the last few months....
Payu: How do you know him?
Paris: You never told us about it...
Vegas: Do you guys remember when your Pa and uncle Porsche and Chay and Khun and Macao went for a trip....
Kao: Yeh... You guys were behaving like your wife left you...
Vegas: During that time... Things were too frustrating at the office.... So one night I just wandered around and stopped at a park... That's where I first met him...  He was passing by me but then he came back and sat beside me... And we talked... He looked like he got beaten up and i asked him and he told me his dad did this... He asked me what happened and I told him I was having some trouble at work... Then we just stayed silent for a while and then he got and told me he was leaving.... He took a few steps then came back and stood in front of me and suddenly hugged me.... I was shocked.... While hugging me he said.."I don't know what you are going through but... I hope everything goes well and instead of making a scary face you will smile... All the best... I'll leave now..."
I was quite interested in the kid... He was looking like he would die the next second but yet he was caring about some stranger he met.... After that we met again a few times.... But we never shared our personal details because he said he just wanted us to like this... He didn't want to make our relationship complicated..... Then we met at the party.... And recognised each other....
Pete: He told me about a kid he met... Then when he saw Rain at the party he told me it was him....
Vegas: Actually he told me about you too...
Payu: me?
Vegas: He said... He hurt the person he likes... Because you don't deserve...
Payu: someone like him?
Vegas: That was the first time I saw tears in his eyes... Even though I have seen him like half dead in a lot of pain... There was never a trace of tears..... He really likes you Venice..

(Payu's eyes teared up hearing his Dad's words....)

Payu: I know....
Vegas:(serious)If you dare hurt him... I'll be the one you have to deal with
Pete:(smiles)Me too....

(Payu smiles hearing his parents words....)

Payu: I'll never hurt my kitten....
Paris:Seems like you guys got another son....
Pete: yes we did...
Khun: Kitten? Is it his pet name?
Payu: I gave him that name because the 1st time I saw him he was playing with a little kitten...
Chay: That name suits him...
Porsche: does...
Pete: Let's go then....
Khun: Where?
Pete: To meet our son in law and bring him home...
Porsche: I'm coming to....
Chay: Me too...
Khun: You guys are not going anywhere without Mee....
Tor:(whispers to Paris and Kao) If the wives are going.....
Paris:(whispers back) the husbands will go to....
Kao: (whispers to them) yeh right....
Kinn: Let's all go then....
Paris&Tor&Kao: We will go too...

(Theerapanyakuns reached the hospital...They reached Rain's room and saw Min coming out of the room...)

Min: You are here I was about to call you.....
Payu: (Panics)What happened is Rain okay?
Min: Don't worry he is okay.... Actually he has a few guests....
Payu: Guests? His friends?
Min: I think so... Actually we know them too...
Min: Come in a see for yourself.....

(Payu and the others entered the room... Everyone is quite shocked seeing the people inside the room...)

Kinn: What brings you guys here?

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