chapter -28

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Payu's POV

I saw how all of them had relief in their faces. Sun was talking with those new people... They were talking as if they were friends.. That showed how.much they mean to each other and how much they trusted each other.... I saw how everyone was worried about me... Pa Pete got me a new room.... I stood up.. Just then Dad Kinn asked me how I am... I said I am fine but I think it's obvious from my face that I am not... I was about to leave when my eyes met Rain's... He... He was worried about me... I saw the same eyes when I returned home with Rose.... Those eyes had the same worried expression... I am such a fool.... How can I do this to someone who loves me so much.... Just then my head started aching... Then suddenly my heart ached... I knelt down... Everyone saw me and there was panic on everyone's face... Just when I saw Dad Vegas grabbing my arms... My vision got dark and I blackout....

Author's POV

Payu just took a few steps and his eyes locked with Rain's, both of them didn't say anything but it was obvious how worried Rain was and how much Pain Payu was in... just then Payu grabbed his head with both hands and then suddenly his chest and he knelt on the floor. Everyone panicked and held Payu but he fainted in Vegas's arms....

(After a while)

Payu was laying in his room unconscious... Everyone was in his room looking at him... Sky, Rain and Top were checking on him....

Top: He is fine...
Sky: There is no external injury or any other problems...
Top: It must be because of everything that happened these days... It must have been too much for him to intake.... It must have happened because of all the stress he was in... Just let him rest for some time... He will be okay when he wakes up...

Everyone was talking when Payu moved a bit and everyone focused on him... Payu opened his eyes and saw everyone... Sky helped him to sit... Payu was taking some time adjusting to make his vision clear and then he leaned to.the bed and looked at everyone....

Payu: What happened?
Kim: You blacked out...
Pai: we bought you to your room

Payu had a confused face for a moment then he held his head because of the pain and tears started flowing through his eyes.. Top sat beside him...

Top: You okay? What's happening tell me....

Payu was shaking and murmering something.... He suddenly looked up to everyone and his eyes locked at Rain... Rain was standing beside him looking at him.... Payu stopped his moments and looked straight at Rain...


Payu said in a low sweet voice....  Everyone looked at both of them... Payu got up from the bed and  stood in front of Rain... Both of their eyes locked with each other... Payu cupped Rain's face in his hands... Tears were flowing through his eyes uncontrollabley....

Payu: I.... I'm sorry Rain.... I'm really sorry my kitty.... I'm sorry for everything I made you go through.... I won't ask you to forgive me but please don't push me away.... I love you... I always loved you my love.... I remember.... I remember everything from the past... From the day I met you to from the day I left you.... Everything....

Payu was still holding Rain's face in between his hands... Payu's head was down... Eyes closed shaking and crying...
Rain didn't say a word... He just looked at the person in front of him crying... Rain held Payu's chin and made him look at him....

Rain: You are not well... Get some sleep... We will talk tomorrow....
Payu: But...
Chay: He is right Venice... You need rest...
Khun: Your kitty is not going anywhere... He will be here....
Porsche: Get some sleep son...
Vegas: Get a hold of yourself and talk tomorrow....

Everyone looked at Payu and he nodded his head....

Payu: Okay....

Rain helped Payu to bed and tucked him in.... Rain then got up but Payu held his hand and stopped him from leaving...

Payu: Were are you going?
Rain: To my room....
Payu: Can you stay with me tonight...

Everyone saw Rain hesitating.... Why won't he? After everything he has been through all these years.... It was too fast for him... Just a few minutes ago his ex boyfriend's  so called lover was killed and now his ex boyfriend was asking him to stay with him.... Rain wanted to reject him but he couldn't say it because of the condition Payu was in... Since he is a doctor he knows that he shouldn't let Payu stress but he didn't want to stay with him... At least not now... Pete decided to help him...

Pete: Baby Venice... Rain is tired and he needs to rest... Let him rest in his room... How about I accompany you today...

Payu looked at his Pa and let go of Rain's hand and nodded at his Pa... Pete smiled at Venice and Payu also smiled at his Pa... Payu looked at Rain and smiled Rain just turned around and left...

Rain's POV

I was shoked when I saw him fainting in Dad's arms... Uncle Top, Sky and I checked on him.. he is fine... Just as we were talking he woke up.. Sky helped him to sit... He was looking at all of us confused... When we told him what happened he started panicking.... Uncle Top tried to talk to him but suddenly he called my name and came in front of me... Held my face with his hands... He called me kitty.... He said how sorry he is for everything.... I felt as if my heart skipped a beat when he called me kitty... How much I wanted to hear him call me this all these years... But I couldn't understand what I am feeling... One thing I know is I'm in Pain.. it's hurting me... I told him to rest and we can talk tomorrow... Both us need time to clear things... After getting him on the bed.. he stopped me asking me to stay with him... Pa must have found me uncomfortable.... He got in between and helped me.... He smiled at me after that but I didn't say anything and left and went to my room....

Payu's POV

I was confused after I woke up... I didn't remember what happened.... Just when they said I blacked out...  My head started throbbing in Pain and all the memories from the past came into me like a flood... It was too much... The only thing I wanted at that moment was Rain... I wanted to see him... Hold him and cry in his arms... His name came out of mouth and my eyes found him... I went and stood in front of him... I could see the Pain in him.... The pain he went through because of me... I can't do anything except asking for forgiveness... And I did but he didn't reply anything instead he asked me to rest and talk later... He tucked me in the bed and was going to leave but I didn't want him to leave... I was afraid he will leave me.... But I saw how uncomfortable he was when Pa said.... He also needed time to adjust I thought to myself and let go his hand and smiled at him but he just left without saying anything.....

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