chapter -11

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(Next day at Sky's house)

Lov: You guys are here...
Sky: Yes mom...
Lov: You guys look so handsome in these suits.... We can leave once your dad comes..
Rain: You look beautiful Mom...

(While they were talking Mike came down... Mike looked at Rain but Rain didn't acknowledge that someone were there and nor did he look at him...)

Mike: Let's go... You guys come in that car....
Sky: Okay Dad....

(They go in their respective cars and head towards the party... After a while they stopped in front of a big mansion and they got out of their cars.... There were many bodyguards all over the place and many people dressed in expensive suits....)

Rain: They are rich...
Sky: They are very very Rich!!

(Both of them laughed at Sky's comments....)

Lov: Let's go boys....
Sky: Okay...

(Mike and Lov walked in the front and Sky and Rain followed them.... They got inside the Mansion.... The hall was very spacious and decorated beautifully.... There were many people too.... Some talking, flirting and having drinks....)

Mike: Hi there Khun Kinn and Khun Porsche.....
Kinn: Hi Khun Mike... This is...?
Mike: Let me introduce.... This is my wife Lov and these are my boys Sky and.... Rain
Porsche: Nice to meet you... You look so beautiful...
Lov: Thanks Khun...
Porsche: You guys also look really handsome...(Their names sound familiar.... Where have I heard them?)
Sky&Rain: Thank you....
Tor: P'Sky?

(Everyone looked at Tor who was coming with Paris and someone else who was about the same age...)

Porsche: You guys know each other?
Paris: They are our seniors in University.... They are our Mentors....
Kinn: Yeh I remember... That's why your name sounds familiar.....

(Rain and Sky look confused... Tor notices it...)

Tor: Actually they are our Uncles... To be more precise.... They are P'Pai's Parents... And this is Min P'Pai's younger brother...

(Hearing Pai's name Sky felt like he could fall any moment.... He got really nervous.... The people in front of him are his boyfriend's Parents.... Sky was having a heart attack....)

Rain:(whispers).So the parents have met? What's next? marriage?
Sky:(whispers) Say another word and you won't be able to talk next moment...

(Rain was scared by Sky's threat and he became silent....)

Min: So you are P'Sky?

(Min gives a knowing smile... That makes Kinnporsche suspicious... Lov holds her smile seeing her son getting nervous and turning red...)

Lov: Why don't you guys join them while we talk?
Paris: Yeh come with us....

(Lob saved Sky from there and Paris and the others took them inside....)

Rain:(whispers) Hey did you know about his parents?
Sky:(whispers)We actually never talked about it....
Rain:(whispers) doesn't that mean he will be here some where?
Sky: Mm...
Paris: Let me introduce you to my parents.... Pa.... Dad....
Vegas: Yes my princess....
Paris: Look who is here.... This is P'Sky and this is P'Rain.... Our seniors from University.... And this is Pa Pete and Dad Vegas....
Pete: Nice to meet you boys... They always talk about you.... Thank you for helping our kids...
Sky: No need to thank us... We are happy to help them... Right Rain?

(Sky looks at Rain who seems to be in a daze... Hearing his name Rain looks at them and smiles and nods...)

Vegas: Good to see you guys....

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