chapter -14

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(Lov and Sky came and Everyone talked for a while and then left the room..... Leaving Payu and Rain in the room)

Payu: So let's talk...
Rain: About what?
Payu: About your friends from the club...
Payu: Did you think I'll forget?? Now tell me... And I don't like liars....
Rain: Fine.... He was talking about my one night stands....

(Payu raised his eyebrow on Rain's comment....)

Rain: I lied to you about  my feelings but the thing I told you... That I don't sleep with twice is true... And I never slept with a guy... except.......him...

(Rain's mood changed talking about him.... Payu sat beside him and cupped his face in his hands and looked straight into his eyes...)

Payu: Rain... He won't be there anymore.... I'll protect you because You are mine and I am yours.... And about sleeping together....

(Payu smirks 😏 and gets close to Rain's ears and whispers in a sexy voice)

Payu: Get well soon baby boy... You aren't leaving the room for a day or two... I'm going to punish your for being naughty.....

(Rain's face turned red hearing Payu... Payu gently caresses Rain's lips with his thumb..... Payu looks at Rain's lips lustfully....)

Payu: Rain I can't control myself....

(Rain looks at Payu....)

Rain: I never asked you to control......

(The next moment Payu crashed his lips on Rain's... He was sucking on Rain's lips as if it was the sweetest thing he ever had... Rain opened his mouth and Payu entered his tongue... Both started kissing each other like there is no tomorrow... After a while they separated and looked at each other )

Payu: Once you get well... We are not going to stop just with kissing...😏😏

(Rain turns red and smiles at Payu...)

(Meanwhile at the Mansion...)

(Mike is lying on the cell... Vegas and Pete are looking at him from the outside)

Vegas: You have to pay for your sins...
Pete: How could you do this to a child?

(Pete was fuming in anger and Vegas had a deadly face which made the Bodyguards shiver because they know what this face means....)

Vegas: You like fucking someone right? Let me see how desperate you are... Get him chained...

(2 bodyguards went into the cell and chained both of his hands on both sides and one of them took a syringe and injected some drugs.... And took off his clothes leaving him in his boxers....)

Mike:(scared)What...what did you do to me?
Pete: It's just some medicine for you... It will make to desperate... It will make you crave for someone to touch you...
Vegas: It will make you want to fuck or get fucked... And went you can't even touch yourself... It will hurt.... You will experience that pain....
Pete: It's going to last for a few hours... Enjoy....
Mike: Why don't you just kill me?
Vegas: Kill you? Ohh not yet.... You are going to experience hell before going into one....

(After a while...)

Khun: Who the hell is moaning?
Pete: It must be Mike...
Khun: Pete... He is a lustful jerk... How can you let him have fun...
Pete: Yeh right... I don't think he can even fuck himself with all those chains...
Pete: My..Pete.... You were once my innocent sunshine... That bastard Vegas changed you... Where is that bitch... I'll kick his ass you turning you like this...
Vegas: What do you mean by I changed him... Just ask him... He like it...

(Vegas looks at Tankun in a challenging manner....)

Vegas: Trust me... He loves it when I'm rough....
Pete: (blushes) Vegas!!!
Khun: Bastard!!!
Porsche: Why are you blushing so much Pete? Everyone here knows it...😏😏
Pete: Don't get me started... Who was the one who used to come back to room covered in hickey...
Porsche: I don't know what you are talking about 😅😅
Kim : Honey he is talking about us....
Porsche: Fuck you Kinn!!!
Top: Everyone knows it right?
Paris: Can you guys stop it? Aren't you bored arguing about the same thing everyday???
Miky: I want to ask something?
Khun: What is it honey?
Miky: About P'Rain? Is he going to stay with us or going back to his dorm?
Chay: Did Venice say anything?
Pete: No he didn't...
Vegas: When will he be discharged?
Top: After a week....
Kim: How is his family?
Pai: Sky is still in a panic mode... His mother decided to go back to her hometown.... As for their business she will deal with it from there....
Porsche: Then ask Sky and Rain to come and stay here with us...
Chay: Yeh..
Pai: Okay.. we will talk to them about this....
Kim: When is Venice coming back? We have to deal with those trash...
Miky: Min and I'll go to the hospital and P'Venice will come home then....
Kim: Does that boyfriend of yours knows about your family?
Miky: He asked me and I told him...
Kinn: is he okay with it?
Miky: Pretty much.... He just asked me to be honest with him and stay by his side...
Porsche: He seems to be a nice guy...
Kim: Nice my ass!!!

(After an hour in the hospital)

Payu: Then I'll go home now... Be good and take care of him....
Aky: Don't worry we will...
Rain: Yeh right... I wonder who will he focus on me or Miky?
Miky: What do you think?
Rain: I think It's just me and Min...
Payu: FOUR of you be good and don't cause any trouble....
Rain: P'Payu....
Payu: Yes baby...
Rain: Don't keep him alive for long... I don't want my mother to change her mind....

(Payu gives a kiss on his forehead)

Payu: Don't worry.... He won't be there anymore.... I'll make everyone who hurts you pay for their mistakes.....
Min: I guess I'm invisible 😒😒
Payu: I'm going then bye....
Everyone: Byee....

(Payu leaves....)

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