Chapter -36

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Payu's POV

I don't know what to say... I've been waiting for him since last night... Now when I see him I feel like my heart is breaking.... Is this how he felt when I bought her home? Those marks... I don't like seeing someone marking him other than me... I want to get angry... I want him to tell me everything but what right do I have over him? I just helplessly watched him go upstairs... The more he was away from me the more I felt my heart earning for him....

Author's POV

(After a month)

Vegas: Why did you ask us all to come?
Kinn: You will know soon...

Kinn had asked the whole family to gather for a meeting... Everyone was waiting and then Rain came into the room....

Kinn: Rain asked me to gather everyone... I don't even know why... So Rain can you tell us now Son?

Everyone looked at Rain....

Rain: I...I have something to announce....
Pete: Okay... Say it dear...
Rain: I'm.... I'm going to be a father....
Sky: What?
Pai: You are pregnant?
Rain: No...Not me....

Everyone looked at Rain... Rain looked at VegasPete and then at Payu who was looking at him as if he had seen a ghost...

Porsche: Then who?
Rain: Nin...
Kinn: Let me get this straight... Nin is pregnant and you are the father?
Rain: Yeh...
Vegas: But when and how?
Rain: You guys remember when we went to the club that day right? After that I slept over at her place and things happened....
Sun: But didn't you say that she was....
Rain: Yes.. she is sick and not in a condition to carry... But she is too stubborn... She wants to have her own child before something happens... She wants to be a mother... Every girl wants to be....

Rain has a sad smile on his face 

Payu: But why you?

Everyone looked at Payu... There was Pain in his words... His face showed how hurt he was...

Rain: Because she loves me....

Payu felt as if a thunder struck his heart.... He realised how much power the words "Love" held... Rain looked at Payu his eyes showed no emotions for Payu but somewhere deep there was a bit of sadness in him seeing Payu like this but he didn't show it...

Rain: She trusts me... We just got to know each other recently but she knows me.. she knows me more than I know myself... She knows when I need someone... She knows when I am happy.... When I'm sad... When I want to be alone... I'm like an open book for her... But I....

Tears streamed down from his eyes...

Rain: I... I was never able to do something for her... I love her... But not like how she does.... Even now... I can't do anything for her... I know I may lose her and I don't know what to do... I feel helpless... I hate waiting.... I don't want to feel like this...

Rain looked straight into Payu's eyes...

Rain: I felt this before.... A state of helplessness.... And a whole lot of waiting.... That ended up for nothing.... I am scared... I don't want to go back to that state again... So I never let her in... But now I don't know.... I don't want to lose her but she is slipping away.... And you know the worst part.... She is happy even though she may not make it... She is happy because she has me by her side and now our child... She is happy.... A complete family...That's all I ever wanted but now... Now I am going to lose everything again....

Rain broke down.... Vegas hugged him... He pulled his close to his chest while rubbing his back Consoling him...

Vegas: You did great Son... You made her happy.... She is blessed to have you... And you are not going to lose everything.... You have your child.... She is giving you something to hold on... So hold on Son... Hold on for your family.... For your Son... We are your family and we will support you...
Pete: Yes... We will always...
Porsche: I'm happy that I'm going to get a grandchild again....
Sun: And I'm getting a nephew or niece... No... I'm being a dad again..
Aky: I'm getting a Son or daughter?

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