chapter -6

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(later in the restaurant....)

Pharm: okay? You are so red....
Sky:I..Am fine...
Rain: So are you guys dating now?
Dean: Do you need to ask? Pai is smiling like a fool... Of course they are dating...
Rain: You agreed...
Sky: I did... But i guess I will regret it...(looks at Pai)
Pai: Don't worry baby... I won't let you regret it...

(Hearing Pai calling him Baby... Sky spits the food on Pai's face.... Everyone laughs seeing Pai's face... except....Payu...)

Pharm: So that means we can go on a double date.... Rain you are the only one left...find someone soon... So that all of us can go on dates together...
Rain: Not interested....
Sky: He is right.... How long are you going to stay single...?
Pai: There may be someone who likes you just besides you... You may have not realised it...
Sky: Rain I want you to be happy.....
Rain:(calm)Sky.. not this again... I told you I am happy with this life and you also know I'm not interested in serious relationships... Please let's not talk about this....
Pharm: Just stop both of you... Have food okay?
Sky: Fine...

(Pai noticed that something was off with Payu since he came back with Rain.... After having food all of them left... Rain went to the dorm on his own and Dean went with Pharm.... Payu and Pai send Sky to his home.... On their way back... Pai stopped the car by the road side.... He looked at Payu who was quiet this whole time and kept looking outside the window not facing Pai......)

Pai: Payu is everything okay? What happened? Since you came back with Rain something is wrong with you.... tell me.. please... I'm worried about you....
Payu:... He doesn't like me Pai....
Pai: You mean...
Payu: I confessed and he rejected me...
Pai: What? He rejected you... He rejected the handsome god of the facility....??? Why did he reject you?

(Payu tells him everything that happened between them.... He is not facing Pai so Pai doesn't know how he is feeling but by the words he is saying he can feel that his brother is broken.... He is in a lot of Pain..)

Pai: Payu... I don't know if I should say this but... Move on... He made it clear... He doesn't care about feelings Payu... It's just sex for him... That's what he said right?
Payu: But...I can't... I like him so much...

(Payu turns his face towards Pai... Pai is shocked.... His emotionless cold cousin who has never shown any affection towards anyone other than his family was crying.... His eyes are red...tears are flowing down his cheeks.... There is Pain in his eyes.... His eyes are screaming how much Pain he is feeling..... Pai's eyes tears up seeing his brother in this state... Pai hugs Payu tightly and pats his back...)

Payu: I freaking like him Pai... I like him... I like his so much... But he doesn't care... He doesn't feel anything towards me Pai...he doesn't...
Pai: Just cry it out... you will feel better.... He doesn't deserve someone like you... It's his loss that he rejected someone who cherish him.. let him be Payu... It's meaningless if he doesn't like you Payu.... Let him go... Move on...

(After a while Payu calms down and both go back to the Mansion..... Ever since the incident Payu tried to avoid Rain as much as possible.. if he sees Rain he just gives him a nod and leaves... Same goes for Rain he behaves like there is no one named Payu in his life...)

(After a few days..... All six of them went out because they didn't have class since the afternoon.... They went to the mall and then to an ice cream parlour...)

Staff: What would you like to have?
Rain: I would like a scoop of Vanilla, Butterscotch,Pista and raspberry...
Dean: Hey can you have that much ice cream? You will get sick....
Rain: I won't...
Sky: Don't worry he won't.... He is crazy for ice cream... He can have a dozen in one go...
Pharm: Yeah... I was also shocked when I saw him eating so many... Just let him be...

(They all placed their order and went to the table by the side of the window and waited for their ice cream... They all were talking about their next destination and other stuff and sometimes flirting.... And then their ice cream came and Rain started having them with a smile... Payu who saw Rain's smile was immersed in it.. he couldn't take his eyes off him.... Payu has only seen him smile like this only once when he played with the kitten... Ever since then he has never seen Rain smile like this... But his smile didn't last long....)

Sky:(hesitant) Rain...

(Rain is happily having his ice cream... He looks at Sky who is calling him.... Sky is avoiding Rain's eyes and playing with his fingers nervously.... Everyone is looking at both brothers... )

Rain: What is it?
Sky: Come home this weekend...

(Rain's smiling drops and his froze for a moment then he continued having his ice cream... He was staring at his ice cream... Sky was looking at him but he avoided Sky..... )

Rain: No..
Sky: But this weekend is mom's...
(Rain cuts him off...)
Rain: I know it's mom's birthday...
Sky: She misses you Rain... Come home for her...

(Rain keeps eating his ice cream without looking at Sky once...)

Rain:(calm)I'll get a present for her and give it to you.... You can pass it to her for me....
Sky:(sad)I won't....
Rain:(calm)Then I'll send her by mail...
Sky:(low voice)Can't you just come home..?

(Tears started filling Sky's eyes....)

Pharm: just go... It's your mother's b'day Rain..
Pai: Yes... Sky said she misses you... Just go...
Payu: Don't you like her?

(Everyone looks at Payu as he asked this question but Rain didn't look at him.... He was still staring at his ice cream but now instead of eating he was playing with it... Then he took a big scoop of ice cream and filled his mouth....)

Rain: I do... But I don't want to go home...
Sky: Dad won't be home...

(Hearing this Rain all actions stop and he looks at Sky....)

Sky: He is going for a business trip tomorrow morning he won't be there this weekend to celebrate her b'day.... So.. come home... Please...
Rain:(sighs) okay...
Sky: You promise?
Rain: Mm...

(Sky gets really happy hearing it and he hugs Rain... He then kisses on his cheek....)

Rain: Hey..stop it... Someone is glaring at me...

(Rain point at Pai and Sky sees Pai pouting...)

Sky: What?
Pai: I want you to treat me so sweetly like this too..
Sky: No....
Pai: Why?
Rain:(in a low voice) because you are a naughty boy... You will eat me up...

(Everyone laughs at Rain comment and Sky blushes hard and hits Rain's shoulder.... After a while Rain gets a message... He sighs and stands up... )

Rain: Sorry guys... I have to go now...
Pai: Where are you going?
Rain: Some personal stuff to deal with...
Sky:(worried)Are you...?
Rain: I won't be joining you guys for dinner... See you tomorrow at class bye...

(Rain leaves and Skys mood changes he has a worried expression all over his face....)

Pai: What happened Sky? Why do you look so sad?
Sky: Nothing... I'm just worried about him... I just hope he is okay...
Pharm: You always get worried about him... Hey is there something going on? You guys can tell us... We will help you...
Pai: You can tell me Sky... I'll do anything I can for you...
Sky: It's nothing... Don't worry...
Dean: You sure?
Sky: Yeh... (I'm sorry Rain... I couldn't protect you... You are going through all this because of me.... I'm sorry....)

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