chapter -4

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(meanwhile at Rain's dorm....)

Aky: How long are you going to lie to them?
Rain: Till my death i guess?
Aky:(angry) Rain!!
Rain: Don't be angry.. i..You know I can't tell them....
Aky: Rain I never asked you this... But now I really want to know.... What the fuck is going on and doesn't your mom and sky know about this that your bloody fucking father rapes you?
Rain: They knew at First but now they don't....
Aky: What do you mean ?
Rain: He first raped me when I was like 10.... That day Mom and Sky went out and he...forced himself on me.... I was screaming.... Mom and Sky came back early.... They heard my screaming and went to the room and saw me getting fucked by him....
Aky: Didn't they do anything?
Rain: Both of them were shocked.... When he saw them... He cursed and left me and told them to keep shut and locked the door and continued with me... After that he opened the door and Mom and Sky were sitting on the floor outside my room crying.... He told them to keep shut or else it's going to be more worse.... Mom took care of me apologised on behalf of him and told me she won't let it happen again..... Sky was traumatised..... She argued with him... Then he threatened me if I let her know that he rapes me... He will hurt mom or Sky.... They are the only family I have I can't let him hurt them.... She tried to stop him but she couldn't..... Since then he started abusing me... Mom and Sky just know that he beats me up.... They don't know that he still rapes me...
Aky: Rain but how long are you going to endure it...
Rain: I have been enduring for the past years.... If I leave... He will hurt Sky...  I won't let him hurt my brother... I'll endure everything until he finds a stable job.... And leaves that house... Then I'll go to the court and cancel my adoption.... And if she agrees I'll take her with me....
Aky: Rain if I hadn't seen your wounds during high school would you have told anyone about your sufferings?
Rain: What do you think?
Aky: Rain.... I am worried about you.... His abuse is getting worse day by day... Just look at yourself....

(Aky is crying and telling these words to Rain.... Rain hugs him and pats his back...)

Aky: I can't bare to see you like this... You aren't even crying after all this... Just let out all the emotions your are building inside.... Please or else it will kill you Rain.... Please.... I beg you...

(Aky keeps hugging Rain tightly and crying...)

Rain: I really want to cry... But I don't know why I couldn't.... Tears won't come, I couldn't get that emotion... It's like I can't feel anything.... I am numb...
I am sorry Aky... I can't.... I can't do it...
Why do keep crying silly?
Aky: Because you are not crying...

(Rain keeps consoling Aky... Later in the evening after class....)

Dean:(on call) ohh me later then...
Payu: Who was it?
Dean: Pharm...
Pai: Aren't you taking him home?
Dean: No.. he said he and Sky are going to meet Rain at his dorm...
Payu&Pai: What?
Pai: Let's go and check on him too...
Payu: Let's go Dean...
Dean: Fine I'll tell them to go together...

(Sky,Dean and the others reached Rain's Dorm and are standing in front of the door....)

Pai: I'll knock....
Pharm: Wait! What if he is sleeping?
Sky: I know the pin code... I'll open the door....

(Sky enters the pin and opens the door... There is a living room in front of them with a small balcony and a small kitchen to their left....)

Sky: He must be in the bedroom... It's that way....

(Sky points towards a door on the left side of the living room..... Everyone goes towards that room and opens it... Payu is burning up in anger seeing the scene in front of them..... Rain is sitting on the bed leaning on the headboard and a guy who is half naked wearing only shorts is hugging his waist and sleeping on his lap.. Rain is reading a book while caressing his hair.... Rain looks at the guest in front of the door and tells them to be quiet and wait for him in the living room.... Rain gently removes Aky and tucks him in the bed... He then goes to the living room...)

Rain: What are you uys doing here?
Dean: We came to check on you...
Pai: Who was that guy? Your boyfriend?
Rain: No my friend.... He has been taking care of me all this time and he is really tired.... He just falled asleep a while ago that's why I didn't wake him...
Sky: How are you? Are you feeling okay?
Rain: Yeh I am good now... You guys have a seat I'll get you guys something for drink..

(Rain gets some juice for everyone... They chat for a while and Aky comes calling for Rain......)

Rain: You woke up?
Aky: Why didn't you call me?

(Aky gets close to Rain and leans and he attaches his head to Rain's.... Dean closes Pharm's eyes and Pai does the same but Sky smacks hard on his hand and Pai removes his hand...)

Aky: Your fever is gone...
Pai: won't you introduce us?
Rain: You know Rain and Sky right? This is P'Dean, P'Pai and P'Payu... The are from the business Faculty and this is Aky... I mean P'Aky from the music department... He is also a 3rd year student....
Aky:(smiles) Nice to meet you guys...
Rain: Can you go and put on some clothes?
Aky: What? You are not seeing me for the 1st time...
Rain: I'm not talking about myself....

(He looks around and sees Dean covering Pharm's eyes and Pai trying to cover Sky's but Sky is giving him a death glare and he is giving Sky puppy eyes... Aky chuckles... But suddenly he feels a chill on his spine and he sees Payu staring at him... If a stare could kill Aky would have killed many times already...)

Aky:(what's with him? Is he going to kill me?) I'll go and change... You guys should stay for dinner... I'll order something.... Are you guys allergic to something?
Everyone: No...
Rain: I want...
Aky: no...
Rain: But I didn't even say anything...
Aky: I have made porridge for you... You just recovered you should eat it...
Rain: But?
Aky:(serious) No!
Rain:(pouts) Fine!!!
Aky: good boy... You guys carry on.. I'll go and change...

(Payu is staring at Rain....)

Payu:(He looks so adorable when he pouts.... I want to bite his cheeks.... Why is he so cute.... Rain you are driving me crazy....)
Pai:(whispers) hey.. hold it man... You are looking at him as if you will eat him right now....
Payu:(whispers) I don't think I'll be control myself for long... He is just so cute....
Pai: Shit!! You are so done man.... You have fallen hard for him....

(Their food arrived and all of them had dinner together and chatted happily... They were all talking when Aky saw Payu standing on the balcony and staring at them... Aky went towards him...)

Aky: Hey...
Payu: Hii...
Aky: You like him don't you?
Payu: Is it obvious?
Aky: Pretty much...
Payu: What about you do you like him?
Aky: I do...

(Payu face darkens and Aky notices it... And then chuckles....)

Payu: Are you guys together?
Aky: No...
Payu: Then I can pursue him....
Aky: You can... But it's not going to be easy...
Payu: What do you mean.?
Aky: Payu... Rain is not like the kids you have seen.... You must have seen many guys who must have clinged to you and chased you because of your looks and money.... But Rain he is not like this... He never cares about those things.... He only cares about one thing.... His family...
Payu: Does his family includes you?
Aky: (nods) That Bastard over there... He once jumped in front of the car for me... The driver was drunk and I didn't saw him coming my way... He jumped and pushed me and got hit by the car... He was lucky that he wasn't seriously injured.... That's him... He will give up his life for his loved ones...
Payu: What are you trying to say?
Aky: I am telling you not to hurt him... He is a sensitive person... Once he likes someone he will give them his all... Payu you have many options and as for Rain he is not interested in relationships... If you guys end up together.... I want you to protect him... Please don't hurt him...
Payu: You are right... I have many options but Rain is different for me... Since the first time I saw him i had feeling towards him.... I have never experienced this before.... I'll protect him.... Even if we don't end up together I'll protect him....

(Aky looks into Payu's eyes... It's filled with emotions and determination... Aky smiles and sigs...)

Aky: Then Take care of him...
Payu: Huh? Aren't you interested in him?
Aky:(laughs) I realised you have something towards him just from the 1st time I saw you.... I was just messing with you.... My relation with Rain is not something like you think.... We are close but that doesn't mean we have that type of feeling towards each other.... We trust each other and comfortable with each other that's why we are so close... So you don't have to worry... And please don't give me that death stare... It give me goosebumps...

(They both laugh and talk for some more time and then head inside and join the others)

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