chapter -12

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(A few moments ago ...)

(Kinn ended his speech and Vegas got on the stage.... Rain was feeling a bit thirsty, he was looking around for some waiter carrying drinks.... Then he saw one... He was going to approach him then he noticed that he was staring at Payu... Then suddenly he saw a gun under his tray that was pointing at Payu....)

Rain: P'Payu!!!!!!......

(Everyone looked at Rain who suddenly hugged Payu and he fell on the floor... And the waiter ran away and the Bodyguards followed him.... Everything happened so suddenly that they couldn't understand what was going on.... Everyone was shocked... Rain was lying on the floor and he was shot in the middle of his chest....)

Payu & Sky & Lov: Rain!!!!
Pai: Uncle Top.. he is shot!!
Payu:(crying)Rain... Don't close your eyes... You will be okay.... Look at me...

(Payu, Lov were crying and Sky was trying to stop the bleeding.... Top came and checked on him....)

Top: We have to take him to the hospital... Now!!!

(Payu carried Rain to the car and everyone left for the hospital....)

Rain: P'Payu...
Payu:(crying)Don't talk Rain... You will be okay... Just a few moments....

(Payu broke down... He couldn't control himself anymore....)

Payu: Why? Why did you do this?
Rain: And....T..ell...Aky.....
I.. ha...ving..him...
Payu:(yelling)Why are so saying it as if these are your last words...??
Rain: I... P'Payu....I..

(Before Rain could finish he became unconscious and they reached the hospital...)

(Meanwhile at the Theerapanyakun Mansion)

Pete: Is there something going on with Payu and Rain? I never saw him reacting like this for anyone other than his family....
Porsche: He looked like he could die or kill anyone....
Kinn: Pheonix you know right?
Kim: Seems like all of them know....

(Kim looks at the kids and they look at each other..)

Pai: Actually... Payu likes Rain...
Khun: What?!!
Vegas: Are they dating?
Pai: He confessed but Rain rejected him...
Chay: He seems to like him a lot....
Pete: I think Rain also likes him or else he won't sacrifice himself for Payu....
Pai: Actually there is one more thing...
Kinn: What?
Pai: Sky and I are dating....
Porsche: We know...
Pai: Huh? How?
Kim: You were behaving like a love struck puppy with him.... It's hard not to notice....
Paris: Let's go the hospital they need us..
Vegas: The car is ready... Let's go....

(Rain was taken to the operation room... Payu, Lov, Mike and Sky were waiting outside, half an hour later all the Theerapanyakun's came to the hospital.... They were all waiting for Rain... Then the door opened and Top came out...)

Payu: Uncle how is he? How is my Rain?
Top: His condition is a bit serious... The bullet is still inside him... We will have to do another operation for it and there are some other problems to...
Sky:(crying)What? What happened?

(Top face became gloomy.... He was hesitating..... Payu notices it...)

Payu: Tell us Uncle... What happened?
Top: Actually... His body is really weak... I don't even know how he was able to hold it all the time.... During the operation we saw some scares on his body... Some were old and some were recent ones so we did a full body checkup on him....

(Top stopped his words and everyone was looking at him to continue... But Lov looked at Mike who was looking at the floor)

Top: He... He has been getting abused.... Physically and........... Sexually...

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