1: 𝑶𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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"Ahh fuck y-yes oh my god I'm gonna cum!" He was pounding into her from behind. The strokes fast and consistent.  To be honest she wasn't as good as the chick he banged a couple of nights ago, but she'll do for now.

He closed his eyes shut as he went in and out of her pussy, thinking of the girl from the other night

Fuck what was her name...




He started pounding harder as he finally remembered her name.

"Fuck baby you feel so good" he lied convincingly , he just wanted to get his nut and be done with her.

He gave a couple of more thrusts, feeling her juices drip down his thigh and with that last memory of the pretty purple haired girl  Konan sucking his dick he finally came into the condom.

"Damn that was good" he lied again, a sigh escaping him.

He quickly exited her, the girl plopped down on her bed, he backed up, carefully taking the condom off of himself and threw it in her trash can.

She laid back, stretching in content as the blonde she'd been dying to have sex with finally fucked her after weeks of being in his instagram dms.

The smile quickly undid itself when she saw him starting to get dressed.

"No round two?" She asked seductively.

He smirked, "You know tomorrow is the first day of classes and I need to get up early".

She got off the bed, walking over to him and tried to stop him from zipping up his pants

"Come on Naruto, it'll be quick", she started kissing his neck, trying to grab his dick through his pants "you know you want to" she purred.

He gently grabbed her hand and removed it from his crotch. He took a step back and pushed his zipper up.

"Like I said" he stated dryly with a fake smile "I gotta get up early. Thanks for everything I'll see you around campus". Once he checked his pockets making sure that he had everything he bolted out of the girls dorm room.

"Naruto come back!!" Shion yelled  through the dorm halls.

He got into his black Mercedes and drove home fast. Once he reached the town house he felt at ease.

Walking in Sai and Sasuke were on the couch watching a sports game. Sasuke looked over as he saw the door open.

"Back already?" He smirked.

Naruto took off his shoes at the entrance and walked over the black L-shaped couch, plopping himself next to his best friends.

"That shit was trash, as soon as we started I wanted to dip". Sai and Sasuke laughed throwing their heads back at their friends failed sexual encounter.

"Did you even finish?" Sai asked amused.

Naruto rubbed his face in exhaustion "Yea but only because I was thinking about this other chick I was with two nights ago, I should've just hit her up again".

The boys shook their heads in disappointment.

"So what time are we heading out tomorrow?" Sai asked.

Sasuke lowered the volume of the game, "I think eight is good? Hinata works at the main library this semester so she said she could get us our text books first if we come on time".

Naruto scratched his head in confusion trying to remember the name and face of the girl they just mentioned "Hinata? Who is that?".

Sasuke shook his head "Sakuras best friend, don't you remember her from high school? Black hair pale skin really cool eyes?". Naruto shrugged. Sai spoke "Naruto how do you not remember Hina? I'm with her all the time I'm always posting with her".

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now