12. 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔

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Authors Notes: T. W : drugs! Also this chapter kinda long sorry about that!
1 year ago:
She scanned the room to see happy and laughing faces. Slouched bodies dancing drunkly to the music. Everyone was in their own happy zone, except for her. Kiba left her in the kitchen to go smoke with his wrestling mates somewhere outside. This party was out of town so she knew no one. She looked at the little bit of liquid left in her red cup. She had only drank enough to get tipsy, but now it was wearing off & she just wanted to go home.

Kiba hadn't returned her texts in twenty minutes . Feeling hopeless and depressed Hinata decided to wander around the huge house.

She accidentally walks into a room with a guy laying on a bed staring at the ceiling. He lifted his head up at the sound of the door opening.

"I'm sorry I didn't know someone was in here" she said. He could see her tear stains in the dim light "Are you okay?".

It's the question she had been dying for someone to ask her. She started to cry. "No... I'm not okay".

Hinata slouched down to the floor and burried her face in her hands "You must think I'm so weird for crying at a party... I'm not drunk I promise I just.. it's so loud down stairs and I just wanna leave but my boyfriend doesn't want to and" .

The guy slowly walked over to her, sitting down at her side "Hey it's okay... I'm not having a good time either". She looked up at him. His facial features all downwards. Sad... just like her.  "Why not?" She asked. He closed his eyes, really not in the state of mind to explain. "I just want to world to be quiet for a moment... that's all".

She nodded "I completely understand".

He took a package out of his pocket and opened it. Ripping the aluminum to reveal the cure for his problems in sight. "At least I have what I need to make my wish come true". Hinata looked down at two pills in his hand. "What is that?" She asked, rubbing the tears off of her cheeks.

He smiled down at his palm "It's heaven... do you want one?".

She looked back and forth between him and the pills. "What will happen if I take it?". It was the most dangerous thing in the world to be a young girl trusting a random male stranger at a party, but in this moment Hinata was too sad to care about trust.

"You'll be in paradise... see whatever you want".

Hinata could think of only one thing she wanted to see.

Her parents.

She took one of the pills and so did he. They both looked at each other then placed the white pills on their tongues and swallowed.

Within twenty minutes the image of the guy in front her suddenly changed into a completely different world and for 14 hours Hinata and her new friend roamed in their own personal paradises.

She woke up from her dream at the sound of her alarm. The dream about her first night of peace since the death of her parents. How good it felt to see them wherever & whenever she wanted because of that white little pill given to her by the guy she met at party in Suna.

It had been forever since Hinata had done that. Last time she did... it didn't end up well. It was a mistake. She was far from an addict. But the memory made her miss it. Reminiscing on her first real night of peace made her think about all the other times she secretly got high off of hallucinogenics.

Hinata didn't drink unless it was wine or champagne & only when she felt safe.

Hinata didn't do weed unless she was somewhere safe & really only did it with her friends. It was a rare occurrence.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now