9. 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆

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"They we were what?" Ino asked angrily on the phone. She jolted off her bed, starting to pace back and forth on her room floor.

"Yea apparently they were all cozy on the dance floor and then she stormed out and they were arguing outside" Karui said on the phone.

"Arguing? Arguing about what?".

Karui sighed "I don't know. Nobody could hear them they were like whisper yelling".

This had Ino's mind racing.

"Do you think their fucking?" She asked with an insecure tone.

Karui laughed "I don't know, I mean if they were they wouldn't be arguing, unless her pussy has him going crazy".

This was giving Ino a headache. "Arguing is serious Karui. People only argue if they're dating".

"So maybe they're dating".

The pounding was getting harder in her head "No, there's no way. He's dated no one since me!".

Karui was getting curious "Well maybe she changed him. I mean Hinata's a cool girl, really laid back maybe they vibe. Opposites attract".

Ino growled over the phone. How could this happen? She thought Naruto was just being petty saying Hinata was "changing" him. Is this true? Could this girl really take two men away from her? She didn't even care for Naruto but it was the fact that Hinata potentially could possess the ability to turn Naruto from a raging man whore to a lover boy.

"What is it with you and this girl?" Karui finally asked "why did you ask me to watch her?".

"I asked you to watch Naruto" she snapped.

"Well you seem to care way more about her. And watch the attitude Ino or no more favors".

Ino contained herself and spoke in the fakest of nice tones. "I'm sorry Karui. Thank you for telling me what happened. I owe you one".

"You're very welcome Ino. And you're right you do owe me!".

Karui hung up the phone. Ino layed back down on her bed in distress. Her mind scrambling to answer a million questions. Is he really falling for her? Could they actually be dating?

No.. no this CAN'T be. She can't get everything and everyone she wants. She has to pay for what she's done. Even if that means making Naruto believe I have feelings for him.

She hated that it was Naruto in the way of her revenge. Having to put on a show just like when they were in high school. But she needed to hurt Hinata. Finally it's time to get her lick back!

The first thirty minutes of the drive they didn't say anything to each other. Hinata stared out the window trying to calm herself as the breeze hit her.

Naruto would look back at the road and then to her. He wanted to know what was on her mind. How this was gonna go.

Of course apart of him wondered if their little arrangement would continue. But even greater, he wondered if they could still be friends.

Despite their plan, their dynamic was one he enjoyed. Hinata listened to every word he spoke. Any time he had a question about anything she had the perfect answer. No judgement. He enjoyed picking her brain, in person and through the book he took from her. Naruto couldn't explain what it was that made him feel so attached to her. Maybe it was because they've spent so much time together. Or that he hasn't enjoyed himself so much in someone's company in a long time. He didn't have the answers to those questions, but he knew he didn't want to upset or lose her.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now