29. 𝑩𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑩𝒐𝒚

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A.N: we only have 6 chapters left 😭💔I've been working towards the last 6 chapters and want post them on the same day so if I don't update for a little bit it's only because I don't want you all waiting so long for the end- I've delayed enough 💓 this story is gonna hopefully end this month💓


The place mats were set , the party hats were on, and the lights were off. They all waited in the dark, crouched in corners behind walls and couches, eager for the door to open.

They all quieted down when they heard a a key go into the lock & twist.

"You didn't have to walk me inside of my house I'm not a baby ya know?"

Two steps in and they made their move.


His blue orbs were wide at his group of friends, a childish grin on his face appeared. Confetti was slowly falling from the air as as Naruto made his way to greet them. "Aw thanks guys this is so nice of you." The entire living room and kitchen were decorated. There were streamers, balloons, and a big happy birthday sign with his name on it.

Jiraiya and Tsunade watched as Naruto hugged and fist bumped his besties, taking photos and videos behind his back. When he reached Sasuke, the raven head immediately put him in a cone party hat. "If she made us wear it then your wearing it too." The second she was in view, he picked her up and twirled her around giving her a big deep kiss on the lips. "I'm assuming this was all your idea Princess?" Hinata's cheeks went bright red. "N-Naruto we're in front of your family!" she squealed. He couldn't give her a kiss like that in front of them. He rolled his eyes and gave her a kiss on the cheek "It's nothing they haven't seen or done themselves."

Hinata buried her head in his chest with slight embarrassment. Naruto rocked her side to side, moving her away from everyone because his heart couldn't take the fact that she decorated his whole house to throw a surprise party for him. Narutos birthday was on the 19th but because he had an away game the day of, he couldn't do anything that day.

After his parents death, Naruto typically spent his birthday with his god parents. His friends always got him gifts but because of the absence of his parents, he wasn't ever in a mood to celebrate big.

But a little birdie told Hinata that Naruto definitely was in spirits this year, so she took that opportunity and ran!

Even though his back was covering her, it was quite obvious Naruto was trying to get some smooches from his girlfriend. "I hope you know what's coming for you when everyone leaves Princess." Hinata had no words which was to Naruto's liking. He repeatedly kissed her all over her pretty face making her giggle. His heart full with love for his baby.

A deep joyous voice came through "Are you gonna hide her forever kid?"

Naruto sadly stopped his kissing , took Hinatas hand and brought her to Jiraiya and Tsunade who were already gleaming at her. "Hinata, these are my god parents, Tsunade and Jiraiya."

Hinata nervously stuck out her hand "It's nice to meet you both! Naruto has told me so much about you." She said sheepishly.

Tsunade looked at her hand then back at Jiraiya with a smirk. In a flash Hinata's hand was grabbed and then her entire body. She felt firm big breasts crash against her and two hands smother her "Oh you're just the cutest thing!!! No wonder this idiot is so in love with you just look at you!".

From the corner of her eye, Hinata saw Sasuke Sai, and Sakura trying to hold their laughter in.

Tsunade rocked her back and forth like a baby, squeezing her tight. "Tsuna I think you're killing the girl." Jiraiya warned. She hugged Hinata for fifteen more long seconds then let her go, smoothing out her hair and cupping her face "I'm sorry sweetie. We've been waiting for a while now since it seems someone was doing a lot of talking and less working."

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now