13. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕

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2 1/2 years ago:

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2 1/2 years ago:

He had his chin sitting in his palm. Elbow rested hard on the passenger door. Grumpy and very hung over.

"What it is gonna take for us to turn that frown upside down?".

Kushina looked back at her son, now a grown man about to enter college. It seemed just like yesterday when little Naruto was running with his untamed blonde hair & never ending energy. Asking mommy to play cars with him, asking daddy for piggy back rides. Naruto slowly steered his gaze to his mother and actually gave her a smile.

"I'm sorry mom... this whole first love heart break thing is just really getting to me".

Minato rolled his eyes, "I told you something was off with that Yamanka girl". Kushina slapped her husbands arm causing him to flinch. "We don't chose who we fall in love with!".

Naruto smiled at his parents as they light heartedly bickered over his first love. Kushina turned herself around again in the car seat to look at him. "Listen sweetie... college is a brand new chapter. You're gonna meet so many different people... different kinds of girls. I know getting over your first love is hard believe me... but one day you're gonna meet someone so special, you'll forget all about this heart ache".

Minato looked at him through the mirror "But college isn't all about parties and girls. Stay focused on your studies young man. You'll have plenty of time in life for love".

The conversation definitely brought his spirits up. His parents always knew what to say. "Yea yea I know... thank you mom... dad. This just sucks!" He ran a hand through his hair and continued looking at the window "I wish I could meet my special someone now! Where is she?".

His parents laughed, "Well hopefully at a library and not at the damn mall every day. How many times a week does a girl need to go shopping?". Naruto and Kushina laughed at his fathers annoyance.

Suddenly Minato squinted his eyes at the road ahead "What the ...". He gripped the steering wheel then in a flash the entire car was shot back wards.

Naruto was the only surviver in the car crash.

The summer before college started, Naruto got dumped by Ino the night of graduation and a month later lost his parents.

When most of the guests started to leave the funeral service, Ino arrived. Sasuke and Sakura tried stopping her from entering, but Naruto let her in.

She took his hand and the two went somewhere quiet to speak.

Ino looked at the the distraught blonde. She felt awful. This was no way to start a new chapter of life. She knew she had no right to be there but she wasn't entirely heartless.

She handed him a bouquet of flowers with a card. "I'm really sorry for your loss Naruto". He looked down at the flowers with hatred. "You came here just to tell me the same shit everyone else did?".

There was no point in retaliating. He was heartbroken by her, now by the passing of his parents. He owed her no mercy even in an act of kindness. "I ... don't know what else to say".

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now