27. 𝑩𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔

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Ino would never forget the pure rage she saw in Naruto's eyes that night. He reduced her to the small insecure problematic girl she was... and she knew she deserved it. Naruto made it very clear that Ino was to never even breathe the same air as Hinata. As the two's relationship grew, many on campus noticed how protective & possessive Naruto was of his girlfriend.

An odd thought did come to mind- it didn't seem Naruto was this vigilant in the early days of Naruto & Hinata's relationship. That August & early September Ino thought for sure her plan would work & Hinata would be crushed. But mid September ... she saw the change.

It was evident Naruto was losing whatever interest he had in her. When he said Hinata was his girlfriend... it still didn't make sense to her. Maybe he was still talking to Ino because he really did just wanna be friends, nothing more. This made Ino desperate, calling Hinata a drug addict was her only way to try & separate the pair.

And then when Naruto showed up to Yahiko's party, seemingly forgiving her indiscretion, flirting with her & then kissing her. That was a surprise. Now she knew when Naruto bit her tongue it was to hurt her. Damn it she made him furious! Everything clicked when Karui came through the door. Ino lost.

In the last month & a half Ino did a lot of reflecting. Ino stopped going out, stayed home more & was evidently sulking. Her mom saw the evident hurt and change in her daughters energy & suggested she see a therapist.

It took therapy to realize this whole thing was about much more than about stupid Shikamaru.

Ino stopped going to parties, stopped posting on social media & really just stuck to herself. She even started dressing a little differently. Still showing skin but dressed more modestly. Ino went to therapy three times a week.

It took nearly two months to finally get down to her problem: she lacked true self love.

The stairway to healing is a long one. Everything she assumed about herself was wrong. Ino's lack of fatherly attention left her to seek it with any man. Her obsession with Shikamaru was because they trauma bonded, & he was the first male to show her love in the ways she needed it. Her inability to love Naruto when they were teens was explained by Naruto not feeling familiar to her & although he expressed positive traits, she was already used to neglect by her father & manipulation from Shika.

Trying to coherce Naruto into sex & secretly film them was her rock bottom. Ino finally saw how much she fucked up. She felt like an even shittier person than before. How could I have done all of this? The cherry on top was that she pointed all of her pent up anger & rage at Hinata.

When Hinata was brought up in her sessions it was like Ino's disgust for herself was endless. Hinata lost both of her parents, she caught her boyfriend cheating on her, & all selfish Ino could think about was how to hurt the girl even more.

Ino felt like she deserved to be sent to the last ring of hell. She watched Hinata in highschool suffer from anxiety, being such a shy girl, literally always just trying to get ahold of herself & be confident. Yet young Ino saw past that, all she could think about was how this girl captured her first loves heart.

Hinata tried to befriend Ino so many times. Ino remained to herself & only late freshman year of college did she allow for her and Hinata to be semi friends. As the sessions progressed & Ino started journaling, she had many epiphanies.

It didn't seem like Hinata even likes Shikamaru. If anything she'd always see her refer to him as a brother or best friend, nothing more. Here she was blaming this poor girl for ruining her life, hating her so much she even slept with her dog loving ex boyfriend just to spite her!

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now