35: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅 ღ

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Something was in the air. Contagious & effective. It over took the lovers the entire week of their baecation. It may have even started the day they left. Naruto & Hinata could not stop touching each other.

Of course they were never shy or short of affection. But something flowed through the wind this March, pulling them closer and closer to each other. It was addictive & neither of them could tell where the increase in their sexual desire stemmed from. It had them acting reckless.

They stumbled through the door, Hinata's giggles and Naruto's laughs boomed throughout their luxurious hotel room. When the door was closed, Naruto picked Hinata up bridal style, walking over some feet and plopped her on the bed. He then towered over her, planting sweet kisses on her all over her face. "Baby you're tickling me!" He grunted in response. Soon his mouth met hers, within seconds their tongues danced lazily, the smacking sounds growing.

The blondes brain was blank. All of his actions were sent messages from the pot of arousal deep inside his body. The entire week he was hard. Any little thing Hinata did had him craving to touch to her. She was the same, Hinata had a consistent throb and ache between her legs. Instead of talking about it, they just fed it.

Her dress rode up as Naruto slithered between her legs on the bed. Hands found themselves gripping his blondes locs, tugging to  bring Naruto deep into the kiss. His hands drifted downward, going underneath and her dress and pushing the center of her panties to the side. Two fingers slid against her slick folds, Naruto smiled into the kiss "fuck baby you're soaked." Hinata giggled, biting his bottom lip and then sucking on it before she spoke, "Do something about it."

Naruto loved it when Hinata got a little cocky during sex. Truly it was such a turn on. In an instant her panties were ripped off and his pants came down. Now his lips moved hungrily to her neck, sucking harshly. Hinata closed her eyes in drunk bliss, the only thing in her brain was the running electric currents moving fast at the command of her boyfriends seductive touch.

The drunk blonde took lazy strokes against her folds, coating himself in her wetness with deep happy pleasure. He eased in, both of their breaths halted in a gasps at the intense feeling of being connected. Their eyes locked, happy and inebriated. "I love you" Hinata whispered against his lips. Naruto began moving slowly, going in and out with pure heat, "I love you more princess."

Soon they lost all control. Just like they had every day prior. They switched positions several times, cumming over and over again.

His strokes were sloppy, he held onto Hinata's ass as tight as he could but his brain was in straight delirium. Naruto's head was thrown back, eyes closed and his bottom lip caught in his teeth. All he could feel think about was the feeling that was Hinata's cunt sucking him in deeper and deeper with each stroke.

Hinata was so drunk she didn't know how she was able to balance her arms on the bed. She was a moaning mess- everything just felt so intense in this state. Every time Naruto slightly pulled out he would ram back in - the slip he was making into her soaking cunt was everything. That push in, jabbing inside her core and the coming out of her hole was to die for. This whole week he just kept screwing her senselessly and she loved it.

After two hours they finally fell asleep, then woke up the next day with no thoughts or worries about that very sex intense week they spent during spring break...


The playground was deserted. The swings pushed softly at the force of the wind, a creaking sound of dry metal emitting because of it. They walked on gravel which turned into sand, light from the moon giving their eyes access to see all that was there. The three friends played in this very park for years. They've sat on these swings thousands of times, played tag and another games for hours on end. Cried with each other, laughed with each other, shared secrets and had plenty of memories.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now