7. 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔

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Professor Hatake spoke with passion:
"Alright everyone listen up! Our last practice we spent the hour getting to know each other, but today it's officially on. Everyone pick a table, get in pairs & begin your matches. If you can't make a pair just observe a match & wait your turn. Let's get this started!".

Everyone looked at each other to see who they wanted to play. Neji had been itching to test the newbies so he picked Udon, definitely the shyest of the bunch. Sasori went over to a table where Lee sat down, Konahamaru was placed with Karin. When Hinata sat down she motioned for Moegi to come over but Shikamaru beat her to it, sitting down in front his pretty friend.

She frowned "You should give the newbies a chance Shika". He was excited to play against Hinata, it had been since the summer that they practiced. "Hina they are gonna get more than enough chances, besides it's been a while since you and me went for a round".

She smiled at his eagerness, but she hated playing against him because she could never win!  "Alright fine, you have a point". They set up the board and Moegi watched as the two began their match. Shikamaru began making light conversation "How has the semester been going so far for you Hina?".  She paid diligent attention to his moves.
"It's actually been going pretty good, I really love my classes so far, how about you?".
He smirked; seeing she was eager to out do him already! "It's going well.. I can't complain.. yet. But I can say I'm happy we're back to practice.. It's been awhile since we've hung out".

Hinata smiled at him, Shikamaru truly was one of her favorite friends. He had such a calming energy, & was one of the few people she felt she could talk to. She really was trying not to lose focus though "Are you trying to say you missed me?" She teased. He chuckled, trying not to lose focus on his angle. Shikamaru nodded slowly "maybe... if that's what you want me to say".

"Well I do want you to say it because I've missed you! It has been forever since we hung out, are you free after this?".
Shikamaru's heart skipped a beat but he remained chill. "Yea I don't think I have any plans. What do you have in mind?".

They were moving pieces faster, Hinata knew that when she played against shikamaru she had a tendency to race, this year she would need to resolve that. "Maybe grab a bite to eat?".

He nodded, internally jumping up and down.
She quickly turned to Moegi who was taking notes on their match "Moegi would you like to join us?".

Damn, what a drag.
He thought it would just be the two of them.
Luckily Moegi declined "I can't today but maybe next time Hinata! Thanks for the invite!".

Hinata smiled "Of course!". When she looked back at the board she could tell Shikamaru was gonna win this match. His moves were always incredibly calculated! She sighed "I need to find a way to beat you this semester... I can't be club representative and win not one match against you".

Shikamaru chucked "Don't worry Hina.. I'll let you win one of these days". She rolled her eyes. They continued playing to her demise and the groups switched over and over for the next two hours. When they were done, everyone grabbed their things, Shikamaru and Hinata being the last to leave the hall.

"Alright so where should we eat?" She asked him.

Shikamaru Nara was probably one of the few men Hinata trusts. Her never flirted, never lied, never held back his opinion and was always there whenever she needed him. In a lot of ways he reminded her of Sasuke, accept over the past few months, he'd grown a little distant and she couldn't figure out why. She genuinely missed her friend.

He made a thinking face "Mmm how about that sushi place we used to go to all the time?". He knew that would make her happy, it was their special spot. Hinata smiled up at him in joy "It will be just like old times!".

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now