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A.N: Just last week this story reached 4K reads now it's 5k🥹 THANK U EVERYONE I LOVE YALL!

I did post that I have a new Naruhina story on the way- and I think y'all are gonna LOVE IT☺️

So here you go, the very special teaser from chapter 1 of my next story "The Internship":

The elevator then slowly moved the ninth floor.

"I've only been to Suna a few times. It's a really great place for vacation. It must be nice to live in good weather all year round."

In Hinata's mind, she could suddenly picture this gorgeous man against the background of a sunset. Like his home state, he was very sunny, smiley & warm. However he didn't seem like those laid back surfer boys Suna typically breeds. He seemed different.

Naruto smiled thinking about his lovely state "Yea it is! I love it there. But once I get the job here I'll have to get used to the changing weather." Her head cocked the side with a raised eyebrow, "Someone's self assured."

He smirked "What? I'm just speaking it into existence."

Naruto nearly choked on his own spit when he watched as her eyes traveled down from his face to his body. Was she so confident to check him out so obviously? But the brat was a fool. Hinata found what she was looking for on his person, she tilted her body forward to read the badge "Well, Naruto Uzumaki, it's would be no surprise for someone in sales to speak so confidently."

The way his name rolled off of her tongue slightly altered his brain chemistry. The way she said it was just... somewhere between condescending and flirtatious? He couldn't tell but it just sounded nice.

He took another step forward, his hand reached for the badge clipped on to the side of her black pants, he looked down and then looked at her face. Their distance getting closer. At this range he could smell her perfume. A luscious but very light combination between spices and florals. It was enticing.

He smiled "Sorry to prove you correct, Hinata Hyuga." She gulped at the change of tone in his voice as it went an octave lower, sounding smoother than all of his other words. Men who talk like that... just... shit. Her lady parts moved again. Well it didn't move but something moved within it. Her mind pondered another thought- have I ever heard a man talk like this?

For a moment, their eyes locked. His blue irises felt like an endless sea her entire soul could get lost in. Her smart mind tried to suppress such strange thoughts. However some few seconds just looking at them, Hinata felt happily astray.

Naruto's heart tightened even more. The elevator became dead silent & for five long seconds he stared deep into those gorgeous lavender pools. Truly he'd never seen eyes like hers.

Never heard a voice like the one she speaks with.

Not once viewed skin so even & seemingly smooth. Or hair so uniquely colored. Hinata was an alien. Maybe an alien princess. Or a goddess. She was exotic to him. His brain could not find reasoning for why one was so beautiful. It occurred to him in those five long seconds that the sensation of any fast wind could not slap him any harder than the very feeling he is experiencing while he looks at her.

She said she was from Konoha but that wasn't a sufficient answer. Where as in what planet did this Hinata Hyuga girl come from?

The button nose cutie turned her head away, her mind still swam in the depths of his eyes for some seconds longer but her consciousness needed to be regained. What were we talking about ?

Before either one of them could speak, a loud bang was heard and their feet both jumped some inches off the ground. They looked at the pixilated screen to read the elevator number nine disappeared.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now