33. 𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒅𝒆

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They sat on the ends of her bed. He looked at the ground while she looked at him.

He was fiddling with his fingers, his aura felt hot.

His blonde brows were tense, and all Hinata had to hold on to was her bed spread.

"I missed you..." she said quietly.

Finally he turned to her, "I missed you more princess." She gave him a small smile.

She reached to touch him but he got up from the bed. His fingers interlocked as he stretched them above his body and rested them on the back of his head, his eyes shutting as he turned to her, "I love you. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

Hinata watched as he started to pace, his eyes avoidant. "But I got worried. I panicked. And I just couldn't stand thinking that someone could get in between us." He let out a caustic breath "Even though someone has already been trying to do that."

Hinata felt acid in her throat- really she was so  done with the Ino talk. "Naruto I told you, if she wanted to try something-"

"I'm not talking about Ino." Her head dipped to the side as she watched him now fully face her. "What?"

"Ino.... Ino was only coming after you because she was jealous. It's still not okay but.... I was wrong about what she wanted."

Suddenly her stomach took a dive. "Naruto what are you talking about?" Her tone was serious.

He stopped his pacing, nerves spiraling through his body but it had to come out -he needed to come clean, "I know why Ino was trying to break us up."

Hinata slowly rose from her bed, her eyes darkening, "and how do you know?"

He swallowed, then tightened his jaw. "I looked at the flash drive."


The look on Hinata's face was saddened disbelief. When he looked down he saw she had a knuckle clenched, her eyes closed for a second like she was thinking then opened again, "You what?"

His words came out in hyper speed, "Listen I only did it because I was upset she was your partner and I wanted to find something to prove to you that she was going to try and break us up again. But I didn't find that.  I found out that the whole reason she even hated you in the first place is because shikamaru is in love with you."

Her head shook in pure shock, "Wait wait what?"

Her lavender eyes looked around the room and then back at her boyfriend. "I said.... Shikamaru is in love with you." Her laugh was pain in his ears "Yea... okay, sure Naruto." The tone of his voice strengthened "I'm not lying."

"I never said you were."

"You don't believe me." He snapped.

Then it was her voice roaring "What I can't believe is that my boyfriend would go behind my back to look at some stupid flash drive  after I told him I didn't want him to!" Hinata ran angered hands through her hair "I told you it made me uncomfortable. I want to and have decided to leave all this Ino businesses behind us but it's you who can't let it go!"

"I was trying to prove something to you!"

"Were you?" Her voice was enraged. "Or is this about something else?"

His face went blank, "What are you trying to say Hinata?"

Her chest was a cage that was being beaten upon heavy by her heart. Her deepest fears now rose to the surface, and there was no preventing what she was about to express.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now