31. 𝑴𝒆𝒔𝒔

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"What finally brings you here Nardo?"

Karui stood curious in the doorway of her place, hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. The blonde was in distress. He didn't know what to make of the scene he saw earlier that day. It was strange... but it's the reason he was here.

At 2pm Naruto left his criminal theory class. He had some time to kill before basketball practice and didn't really know how to occupy his time. So he started to walk around the law buildings, hoping to maybe find an event happening.

After some minutes of looking around, he turned a corner outside, hearing some semi raised voices. When he got a look, he saw Shikamaru talking to a woman but he couldn't see her face. He was about to go say hi until he noticed Shikamaru looked angry... which is not a normal sight at all.

He hid behind a wall watching the altercation take place.

"I see you're back to ruining lives. It must be your favorite sport right? Fucking things up for people?"

The girl moved a bit closer, her voice irritated "What happened between you and Choji doesn't concern me! I never told him to stop speaking to you he did that on his own!"

She tried to walk past him but he caught her wrists and tugged on her. His blue orbs widened at the reveal, it was Ino.

Naruto hadn't seen Ino since he caught her at Yahiko's party. She looked incredibly different. Dressed way more casual. In a way she appeared younger. It kind of reminded him of how she used to look in high school.

This entire scene was strange. He's never seen Shikamaru look so enraged, and Ino look so ...innocent.

Last he knew Shikamaru and Ino stopped speaking sometime over the summer. The brunette never elaborated and although Naruto never budged- he had wondered if that was the reason his best friend was distant over summer break.

Just what happened between them?

The blonde bent down to not be seen.

"You're bitter. You're upset with me and I get it but you need to move on. It's been a year!"

The female blonde shoved him off of her. "ENOUGH!" It came out as a cry. As Naruto hid, he realized not once in his life has he seen Ino so visibly hurt. He didn't think she even had emotions.

"You haven't looked at yourself have you Shikamaru? I get it. The shit I've done is terrible. I've accepted it. I've worked to heal myself and apologize to who I can but you? Have you been able to come out of hiding & expose all the shady shit you've done behind your friends backs? You want to come to my face and tell me it's been a year like you weren't hammering my phone from Halloween to Christmas!"

Shikamaru's breath started picking up. "I told you I wanted to work things out."

She wiped her tears "Lies." Ino walked in a circle, smoothing out her hair and looked up at the sky, trying to catch her breath and then faced him again. "I'm just a distraction from what you really want. There is no working things out Shikamaru. Not when you can't admit the wrong you've also done."

His fist clenched hard as he took a step towards "Do you think you're some sort of angel now? That all of your sins have been forgiven? Did you forget just last year you tried breaking up Naruto and Hinata?"

Ino damned him to where he belonged. "And who would've benefited from that the most Shikamaru?"

It was clear that Ino finally held the power in the conversation. This moment- was so unexpected for her but she didn't know it was exactly  the confrontation she needed.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now