3. 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒍

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𝑨.𝑵: Naruto so bold fr!!!! I had to make him different from my other story! Let's see how Hinata reacts 🙊


"Welcome to Women and Gender Studies 101, I am Kurenai Yuhi Sarutobi , but you will address me as Doctor Kurenai. In this class we will discuss topics like relationships, gender identity, sex and history. How it changed over time and how effects us today. Right now I'm passing out the attendance sheet, please sign your names and pass it back, then we will begin".

Sasuke and Hinata sat together in the far left of the auditorium. "Hina are you sure about this?" Sasuke asked with worry.
She shook her head " Honestly I don't know, but you saw how Kiba backed down from him".

Sasuke couldn't believe what transpired last night.

He leaned down and kissed her. She made an audible noise of shock but he cupped her face with his hands to keep her there.

Please down freak out princess

Hinata couldn't believe that he would do such a thing! In public! She HATES pda and she only just re met him YESTERDAY. But she couldn't deny that his lips were incredibly soft and so were his hands. She relaxed momentarily into the kiss, moving their mouths slowly. Naruto opened his eyes during to see the sight he wanted. Ino was glaring at him and her with fury! She turned around stomping. He sent her a wink and deepened his kiss with Hinata. She wanted to break away so badly but god he can kiss!

He shifted his eyes to where Toneri was standing. The expression on him was unreadable, as if he had no emotion. But then he smirked and without any evidence of disgust, he walked away.

He was still kissing Hinata but she felt it was going on for too long, regardless of how incredibly smooth he was and how good his lips felt against hers. This was violating! And he gave her no real warning. She took both of her hands and clapped his face hard. She broke away from the kiss holding his cheeks, if she slapped him than that would cause major attention and she didn't want that.
"Naruto what are you doing?" She whispered quietly in slight anger.

His face stung from her hands "Getting Kiba away from you" he stated with no inflection.
Her eyes brows furrowed "You think KISSING me is gonna get him to go away?".

He smiled "Well it helped" he lied.
Her eyes went wide "Wait it worked? He's gone?" .

Naruto reveled her in her gullibility, "Yea he totally stomped away looking sad as fuck".

"OMG yay" She said excitedly and then hugged him.

He hugged her back, inhaling the sweet vanilla perfumes that lived in the crook in her neck

Oh my gooodddd she smells amazing & those lips of hers so plump...

But she suddenly backed away, remembering she did NOT consent to this kiss, "Naruto wait you can't kiss me! That wasn't okay and you didn't even let me know beforehand".

He shrugged "It was just something I thought of on the spot! Listen I think we could have something good going here".

She shook her head in disbelief "W-what? We just became friends yesterday, and you're seriously trying to hit on me?".

He put his hands up in defense "No no not at all", that was a little bit of lie "Listen Hinata I think I could help you with Kiba and you could help me out with something too".

She took a step back to really look at his face, it was smirking, like there was some wicked spell he couldn't wait to cast and his eyes were beaming.

"Okay..." was all she could say. The line moved up and Naruto paid for her snacks. "Let's take a little walk" he said.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now