23. 𝑨𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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N: Idk What's going on but my pics are getting removed with warning 🙄 PLS VOTE & COMMENT💘

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October 21st- flashback before the first date:
She stared at the empty space with frustration. She couldn't find the darn step stool anywhere.

"I can grab that for you" he whispered huskily in her ear. She felt her body heat up intensely. He pressed his groin to her ass as he hovered behind putting the book on the second to top shelf. When she was done he started to kiss behind her ear "No thank you?".

She giggled, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning up to plant a peck on his lips. "Thank you my prince". But a mere peck wasn't enough. He quickly devoured her mouth making her moan as Naruto pressed his entire front to hers.

Naruto quickly recognized he was addicted to kissing Hinata. He's kissed many girls but none of their lips felt like hers. So soft, ample, & scrumptious. In the four days they have been official he itched to see her & connect their mouths. With their both their schedules picking up he knew he would have the make the most of every moment alone moment they had. It made him a little upset at himself  that getting to this point took three whole months. We could've been doing this a long  time ago

Hinata was the same. She could not get enough of him & wondered if there would ever be too much. But they were only four days in! Towards the end of that wretched plan, they hung out every other day. She subconsciously blamed herself for not revealing her feelings earlier. Maybe we would've been doing this had I spoke up

But those insecure thoughts were subsided when Naruto shoved his tongue down her throat and picked her up by the thighs and backed her into the book shelf. Her legs found their place around his hips. Hinata was wearing a skirt on this day with black stockings that made her look divine. Simply watching her do anything made Naruto full of interest. The blonde had several fantasies. Come to think of it - he never fantasized about a woman before.

In high school, of course he fantasized about Ino. But really -just being her boyfriend. Not that he thought of her in any other way besides a girlfriend. Not until he lost his virginity. Then he did have some naughty visions. After- he was just a guy who fucked. But the literal day he met Hinata he had a fantasy about her. She was quiet sexy librarian with a beautiful voice & kind aura. It was her sweetness that made him wanna kiss her feet & make love to her but it was her purity that sparked that awful dark  side that made him wanna fuck her. But he isn't in any rush to do either of those things just yet!

As he violently tongue kissed her, pressing her most initiate parts against his crotch as he had her pinned to the shelf- he started thinking back about that first day. How the second their eyes locked he felt something he had never felt before. And all the other days. The past three months. Hinata's soul. She was kind, patient, charming, empathic, sensitive, adorable, funny, nerdy. They were so different yet so alike. Naruto loved it. She was his. No one else's. And like he promised he would make sure, every day - even if it took forever that he would show this goddess how much he loved her.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now