28. 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆ఌ

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If there was one thing Naruto always did, was keep his word

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If there was one thing Naruto always did, was keep his word. His intention to romance his goddess was true. He felt grateful for being given such a wonderful girlfriend. And Hinata felt the same.

It was now December 17th, two months that they'd been together. When they had the time they spent it enjoying a combination of the things they both liked. They blended very well. Naruto joined Hinata on her book store outings, walks to watch the sunset, and they did a lot of baking. Hinata joined Naruto on his hikes, activities like rock climbing, he even attempted to teach her basketball which wasn't a complete failure. But when Hinata tried to teach Naruto chess, it was a disaster! They found common ground by playing fun games like connect four, card games, & did crossword puzzles together. Sometimes, when Naruto had a stressful day, he went out for late night aimless drives, the windows slightly down letting the wind hit his face and listening to music. Hinata enjoyed those a lot. Sometimes they'd stop at an overlook and just talk into the wee hours of the morning.

Hinata found many things attractive about her boyfriend. She loved his unseriousness. He was forever a kid and it gave her the opportunity to be more childish.

One time when she picked him up from basketball practice, she went inside the gym to watch before the boys were let go. She could've watched forever. His focused face, the way his hands gripped the ball, when he would lift up his shirt to wipe off sweat, letting his abs show. He was divine. Another face she loved was when he was smoking. They would be in his room, laid back on his bed, hand behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. She loved to watch the smoke leave his full delicious lips and that deep exhale he always did made her skin tingle.

Naruto was the same, he observed her and found these small, simple movements that had him fantasizing. When she would be reading a book and tuck hair behind her ear then flip the hair over her shoulder. When he would say something super flirty, she would bite her bottom lip. What he really really loved is when she looked at herself in the mirror. He loved to watch her get ready, get unready. When she would line her lips, put lotion on her skin, look at herself after getting dressed. He loved it most because she was so unaware that he was watching her. So when she would catch him staring in the mirror she would start blushing and suddenly her beautiful eyes had nowhere to run but to meet his gaze. "Stop staring." She would say shyly. He'd come up behind her, kissing her cheek and wrapping his arms around her waist "I can't help it, I'm in awe."

Not everything was peaches and cream though. They didn't necessarily have fights, but they knew when to give each other space. Naruto had a tendency to get moody, and Hinata could be avoidant. Naruto sometimes got jealous, Hinata sometimes got insecure. However they had three months of a fake relationship to learn each other's mannerisms & with this they were able to communicate effectively. They always talked everything out. Those little quarles made them even more in love with each other. They both knew no matter what the situation was, they just needed to talk it out.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now