32. 𝑨𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔

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The air outside was cold. It was 9pm, so the night time breeze was incredibly chill. Spring was approaching. Soon the stiff branches would come back up, & flowers would start to bloom. Ino paced outside the patio of her home. She wore a big coat and sweats. Her mother asked her several times if she wanted to wait for her friend inside but she said no. Fearfully she felt she wouldn't emerge from safe confines of her house.

This was it. A moment she never thought would happen. Of course she wanted to apologize to Naruto. But even her therapist said it might be something he doesn't want or need. There was no telling what he was about to say to her.

Naruto never deserved the artificial love & behavior she gave him. He never deserved the hurt & abandonment. Looking back, Ino could've offered at least friendship when his parents died. But even then, her mind was too fixated on that stupid boy.

She could say she was young dumb and in love. Too coddled in emotional manipulation to see things a different way. She didn't have anyone around to tell her that she was in the wrong but she knew.

But you can't change the past. No matter how bad Ino wishes she could take it all back & do things differently, there is no point.

This is karma. It may take hours, days, or even years, but it will always come back to get you. Ino readied herself for whatever reaction Naruto was about to give her. She knew what she deserved.

The sound of a fast car approaching made her stop pacing and look to the street in front of her. The black vehicle took a spot in front of her house, and she watched as Naruto slammed his car door shut & walked up to her home.

To witness him... so in distress. It reminded her of when she was at his parents funeral. All that was apparent was that he needed help, and maybe to just be held. As he came closer, walking up her steps, what  also became apparent was that look.

The fierceness in his eyes that only signaled he was ready to kill.

That look made her mortified.

He made it to last step & the two ex lovers were face to face. Her chest heaved under her coat. Even his energy was off, sending her hairs to stick up.

"Do you know why I'm here?" His voice was croaky.

Ino slowly nodded her head. He mimicked her then ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Quickly he walked around her and took a seat on one of the benches of her porch. His hands were clench fists in his jacket pocket. One of his thighs started shaking in anger and his eyes met the wooden floor. "Y-you....."

The girl thought it was safer to sit on the opposing bench so some feet stayed between them. Of course she wasn't scared Naruto would hit her, but the mere sound of his angry voice was enough to leave anyone frightened.

It was now evident that nothing could've prepared her for this moment. Naruto was broken. Which part he was broken about, she didn't know yet. But nonetheless, he was a broken man. A tear slipped out of her eyes "I'm sorry Naruto. I'm sorry.... For everything."

The words started coming out like word vomit. Seven years worth of words she should've said, and actions she wish she could take back.
"You were always a great kid, a-and I took advantage of that. I was lonely, hurt, insecure but none of that was ever your fault."

Pure genuine tears started leaking harder out of her eyes. All she could think of was young happy innocent Naruto. A boy who stupidly fell in puppy love for her. A boy who lost his parents, a boy who had a best friend who was horribly so jealous of him & yet never told him a thing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't love you like you wanted me to. I didn't even try being your friend I-I-I just didn't care & I was so freaking selfish god Naruto I'm so sorry."

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now