14. 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔

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Bodies were scattered around the large entrance hall, groups of students & teachers having their own conversations until they could be organized. "Alright folks! Everyone who is here for extra credit make a line to the left and sign your name, everyone else just stay put" Professor Asuma called out. Hinata, Karin and Suigetsu all made their way to the left. A few students behind them was the pretty red head Karui.

"I hope this musesum is actually interesting, if not I'm def finding a bathroom to doze off in" Suigetsu snorted. Karin smacked his chest "You know they'll come to find you right?". He rolled his eyes "Please, they have better things to worry about then a college kid going missing during a field trip". Hinata and Karin laughed. They signed their names on the paper, and when they were done resumed with the larger group of students. Karui stayed paces behind Hinata, making conversation with a friend but nevertheless eyeing her.

Toneri spotted the pretty raven haired girl instantly, joining her group. "Hinata!" He said excitedly. When the group viewed him Suigetsu immediately made a comment. "Bro are you under cover or something? What with hoodie and hat?". Toneri shifted nervously but kept his cool "I'm just having a bad hair day.." Hinata laughed "No offense but you kinda look like a stalker or a runaway from the police". Toneri laughed along with them but inside he felt pure nerves.

They followed the tour guide with the rest of the students. The astronomy department was holding a field trip and any student could tag along for major extra credit but they would be sacrificing their Sunday. As they all strolled throughout the museum Hinata couldn't get the night with Naruto out of her mind. She felt so warm when she was sleeping... it was the best sleep she's ever had. Not even when she would take naps with Kiba did she wake up that refreshed. Throughout the night she felt peace in his presence.. the comfort he makes her feel... she started thinking about how she wanted more-

"Hina.. you good?" Karin said as she got in front of her. Hinata had zoned out , staring at one of the side screens which was a small presentation of a blue galaxy. She shook her head to rid thoughts "Oh uh.. yea sorry I think I just zoned out". Karin smiled, she could tell Hinata had been out of it since they got on the bus. "What's on your mind?". Hinata looked back at the screen with the moving blue galaxy that was shaped in a circle. It kinda reminded her of his eyes. Karin looked and then smirked "I guess I should ask who is on your mind?".

Hinata sighed and they continued viewing the presentations on the wall. "Karin.." her voice sounded like it was cracking. The Uzumaki's face fell into concern. She grabbed Hinata and took her to the nearest bathroom.

Karui knew she couldn't go into the restrooms with them because it would be too obvious. So she decided to walk around one of the presentation rooms, & lucky for her an interesting scene was on display.

The nearly white headed tall guy with the light blue eyes was in a corner in a serious discussion with someone who clearly didn't go to Konoha University by the looks of his bomber jacket.

They were the only three in the room.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" The guy spatted at Toneri. He tried to shake him off but he couldn't "It's none of your god damn business get the fuck off of me!".

The guy shoved him into the wall "I told you what would happen if I ever saw your face again, I'll fucking kill you for what you did to my little sister!". Toneri was finally able to shove him but this guy was relentless "What happened with your sister is ancient history. Your sister is whore and a liar! Someone needed to teach that bitch to keep her legs closed". That sent the guy over the wall and he attempted to punch Toneri but he missed. Toneri then shoved him into the wall, whispering just loud enough for Karui to hear. "That slut little sister of yours ruined my life. I had to move to a whole new fucking town, delete my socials, EVERYTHING". The guy was looking at Toneri with complete fear, giving Toneri immense satisfaction. "You- you ruined her!". He shouted.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now