5. 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌!

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When Hinata was 14 years old, she met Kiba for the first time.

"Alright class! This is the first group project of the year! Since you're all freshman- it's important to get to know each other! Make friends! Get into your assigned groups & start talking" Mister Iruka said enthusiastically.

Hinata was as shy as they came. The only other friends she had were assigned to different groups. Hinata stayed in her seat nervous to move while everyone else already socializing . She was pointing her fingers nervously.

A tall shadow approached her desk,
"Hey uhh.. are you Hinata?" The boy asked kindly.

She slowly looked up with red flushing cheeks.
"I-I ... um... yes...".

He laughed this girl was too cute!

"Well Hi Hinata! I'm Kiba Inuzuka!" He stated proudly "If I'm not mistaken I think you're in our group?".

She nodded, still trying to get over her nerves, she hated first impressions.

He lowered his body so that their faces were near touching.
"There's no reason to be shy... I promise I don't bite".

He then held out his hand for her to take, smiling kindly at her.
"Alright" She said in a whisper, smiling back.
He walked her over to where he was sat and she was in shock to see Shino.

"I already know Hinata... our families are good friends. So I stayed here while you two introduced yourselves" he said plainly.

"I didn't know you were in this class Shino! I'm really happy I'm in a group with someone I know".

Instead of a smile, Shino nodded "I've been sitting here the entire time". Kiba laughed and the group began conversing.

This project is what began their trio. Kiba became somewhat of Hinata's body guard. Her silent nature grew to be comfortable around the carefree dog loving boy. Shino staying unimpressed and quiet as always.

On the other end of the classroom, Naruto was pouting over a girl named Ino getting really close to a boy named Sai . In his group were Sakura and Sasuke.

"Why did I get paired with you two? I already KNOW you two" Sakura whined.

"Well this is our only class together... so we should just make the most of it" Sasuke said quietly trying hard not to blush over Sakura's appearance. She changed so much over the summer, puberty hit her .. how did that happen!

"Mister Iruka!" Naruto raised his hand and called out loudly. The teacher rolled his eyes and walked over to group seven "Yes Naruto?".

"I don't see how we're supposed to get to know each other when the three of us ALREADY know each other! I don't know anyone over there" he pointed at the table with the blonde.

Iruka rolled his eyes "I didn't personally pick these groups I picked names out of a hat. But now that we are in our groups there is no switching. You'll just have to wait until the next assignment".

"But Mister Iruka!! This isn't fair!!!".

"Silence Naruto! One more word and I'm calling your parents! Grow up, you're in high school now!".

The teacher walked away to his desk, cursing himself that he got Naruto as a student for a second time in his teaching career. But sadly out of all the students... Naruto was his favorite.

Naruto slouched in his desk "I'm never gonna get her attention now".

Sakura giggled "Naruto you're such a cry baby, I'm sure you'll get more chances to talk to Ino throughout the semester".

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now