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"Let's go upstairs".

Hinata looked deep within his eyes, glowing with a playful adolescence, his face smirking.

Is he serious?

She ripped herself out of his hold and stomped out of the front door of the house. Naruto being highly confused by her actions, he started to chase her. She walked until she was at the far end of the front lawn, onto the side walk next to the neighborhood street.

Watching her pace angrily back and forth, Naruto finally caught up to her.
"Princess what's wrong what just happened?".

"Go upstairs? GO UPSTAIRS? Naruto what in the actual hell is wrong with you?".

He looked around to see the party goers were taking attention to Hinata's raised voice.

He got in front of her holding her shoulders "Can you keep it down people are starting to look".

Her eyes widened "Isn't that what you want? For people to look at us? To hear us fucking upstairs in one of the bedrooms? You're such a fucking pervert how DARE you?".

Naruto put his hands up in defense "Whoa whoa whoa I never said anything about us having sex upstairs that's not what I meant!".

"So what did you mean? What were we gonna do up there huh?".

He rolled his eyes "Listen princess if we went up stairs into the one of the bedrooms we could lock the door fake some moans & rock the bed so people think we WERE fucking".

Hinata blinked several times to wrap her head around that sentence.

"Are you... are you joking?".

"Does it sound like I'm joking?" He said with attitude.

"Naruto WHY would we do that? Aren't we in our little talking stage where people are just supposed to think we're starting to see each other? What happened to the debut we were supposed to have? What happened to this ridiculous scheduled that YOU made that WE are supposed to follow? All of a sudden we go from casually hanging out to fucking in bedrooms at parties?".

He was starting to get frustrated.

"Look you said it yourself that dancing wasn't something that would make Ino upset. She is onto us Hinata. She knows you're not the type to hookup at a party, that's exactly why we need to do this".

"Everyone already saw us having fun & being close! And Kiba knows very well I'm not the type to do that on my part - it wouldn't even make us look believable! Why are you making this so hard?".

"That isn't enough. Maybe if you were someone who knew how to have fun this wouldn't be so hard!".

Hinata stepped back in shock. What is that supposed to mean?

He pinched his nose in frustration "Okay, how about this. We can just rearrange what our plans were, go upstairs, have fake sex for everyone to hear & then announce we're officially dating".

"NO! That's not what we're doing & this is NOT how we are doing it".

He was really started to get frustrated with Hinata, could she not see this was the perfect way to make Ino upset? To do her exactly how she did him?

"Hinata this isn't a big deal. You're acting as if we're actually gonna do something upstairs. Forget about what Kiba and everyone else assumes they know about you. This is your chance to show people you're not as prude as they think. I need us to show Ino we can play the same game she does".

Hinata looked at his face in disbelief. The fact that those words would come out of his mouth so easily. He truly has no care in the world for her morals.Or that words can hurt people!

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now