34. 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒖𝒑

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The final Konoha University basketball tournament in Kiri would happen in two days

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The final Konoha University basketball tournament in Kiri would happen in two days. The team was scheduled to leave for their trip the very next day in the afternoon. Which meant Hinata was short for time to confront Shikamaru.

Never in a million years did she ever think this would happen. She didn't know what she was going to say. Rage filled her hot, making her equally cold blooded & filled with zero remorse. She fell into the trap of his words, believed them because this guy was one of her closest friends. Therefore she didn't have a reason not to trust him.

As she speedily drove to her Shikamaru's house with scolding ears & a racing heart, Hinata played out the last several years of her friendship with this man. In the last months he was touchier, closer, even at times had her questioning what made him much friendlier with her. However he never flirted, never said anything, he cooly remained on the other side of the line of friendship & he never crossed it, at least not obviously.

Hinata shook her head in frustration as she drove, how could I be so naive? Even worse she thought her self a horrible person for not believing her own boyfriend. Letting her own insecurities get in the way of the trust and love she has built with him. It all clawed at her with sharp nails, ate at her with a vicious appetite.

It dawned on her as she pulled up to his house, that even Kiba had a quiet dislike for the man. Similar to Naruto, Kiba hated any man who talked or looked at her for too long. But Kiba made it seem personal. Again she just paid it no mind. Cause there was not a whole possible where Shikamaru Nara had a thing for her, let alone for years.

What began to naw at her head more was that he kept Ino around like a puppy on a leash. The way he just lied and lied and lied. Creating and keeping a pointless drama.

With a nervous hand she knocked three times on the door.

The wooden structure opened, the brunette behind it giving a big smile. "Hi sugar, come in."

Hinata walked through the door, looking at the house she's been in many time before. There were so many memories. Good times, consoling, crying and laughing, playing chess and other games.

This was the house of one of her best friends that apparently for years, had been in love with her.

One sided attraction was always so jarring.

How did he hide it so well?
Why didn't he ever say anything?

As Hinata's eyes gazed upon the couches, chairs, tables and kitchen, she knew her answer.

Because she never once saw him in that light.

As she walked through the house, the two made their way into the outside patio, her stomach turned.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now