20. 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓

625 24 37

A.N: Karui got Ino's laptop off camera lmfaooo but anyways enjoyyyy

Her phone was on do not disturb for everyone. She watched her it as the quiet notifications came in.

13 missed calls from her Prince
25 unread text messages. She didn't peak at any of them or listened to any of the voice mails. Sakura even texted Hanabi to text her but once she knew it was about him she stopped responding.

It was Thursday. Reading day for the next two days at the university so students can take time to study for mid terms. Next week she had another match. Then it was Halloween. She laid on her bed with her stomach to the mattress looking at the wall. Sai told her Naruto & Ino didn't kiss but it didn't matter. He got what he wanted & their gathering only confirmed what she knew deep down... that Naruto would never love her.

Shino knocked on the door two times, Hinata turned her puffy eyes to her best friend "Hinata... it's four pm". Her pretty creased up again & the tears came out "just give me until five". Shino chuckled & sat the edge of her bed, ripping the covers off of her "You said that three hours ago. It's time to get up. You can't mope in here forever". She sat up on the pink silk sheets smoothing out her hair then wiping her tears "You're right Shino... I just can't believe I fooled myself".

Shino very seldom spoke about his opinions on the blonde. He watched when he came over & saw that he really did make Hinata happy. And it was undeniable that idiot had feelings for her. His execution was just always horrible.

Aaanndddd he was sleeping with Sai so he already knew everything from the other side ;)

"Hinata. As your best friend I will always speak to you honestly. I don't think you fooled yourself. There has to be much more to the story". She sat up on her elbow with her head in her hand playing with the sheets sniffling. "It doesn't matter. I've accepted it. The plan is over. Kiba apolgized & Naruto got his dream girl. I just need to learn to live my life without him".

Hinata's phone actually went off for someone she forgot to dnd. She opened the message... no expression on her face but her mind was made up. "You don't have to worry about me moping anymore, I actually have the perfect plan to keep me occupied". Shino raised an eye brow & spike with clear disapproval, "Toneri?". Hinata rolled his eyes "I know you said you think he's a little off but I think I should give him a chance. It's not like he's asking me to be his fake girlfriend to win back a girl who cheated on him". Shino got up with her off of the bed as she walked to find some clothes in her closet "So you're already looking for a rebound?".

"No! Toneri's just a friend.. but his company will keep me distracted. I don't want to talk or think about Naruto any more alright? We're over".

Shino turned her around from her closet and lowered his sunglasses so their eyes can meet. An action he only did when he was dead serious. "Hinata. Looks can be deceiving. I actually think that idiot might have an explanation worth hearing. Just call him up & hear him out". Hinata wasn't having it "Not tonight".

Internally she felt a bit of worry. Shino rarely ever had to make a serious point.. but she was heartbroken and wouldn't budge. Loving that gorgeous man caused her too much stress! As if midterms and chess wasn't already enough.

The second he stepped back into the house he was bombarded. Why were you with Ino?
We're you just fucking with us?
After all this and you still chose pig?

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now