𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟:𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔

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This is just a little chapter of moments between  them that happened during the plan/ before chapter 18 <3 so one big flashback.  A lil fluffy 💘

💘Shopping 💘
Aah choo!

He looked to his side to see the pretty dark haired girl sniffling in a tissue. Her sneeze was the cutest one he had ever heard! Who knew sneezes could be cute!

"Sorry" she said as she threw out her tissue in a trash can they passed and applied some hand sanitizer.

"It's okay Princess.. are you feeling okay?". They were walking around the city looking at all the Halloween stores that started to pop up. Naruto thought it would be cute if they could match. Hinata put her hands in her hoodie and shivered slightly. It wasn't that cold out but she was definitely getting a little sick since the temperature was starting to drop. "I think I'm just getting a cold".

Without a thought Naruto put an arm around her, snuggling her as they walked into the large costume store. "I'll keep you warm Princess" he whispered in her ear. The base in his deep voice gave Hinata butterflies. This was just another one of those instances where she had to remind herself she is just his friend.

They walked around the store playing with various face masks, props & hanging displays. Naruto started to chase Hinata around the store with a scary mask and a fake knife which caused so much attention that an employee gave them a warning look. He took off the mask embarrassed "sorry sir" he muttered. But in true Naruto fashion he put the mask back on without a care.

This became normal for the two. Even though it was Halloween shopping... they started going a lot of places together regularly. Just like a real couple would. When Shino was too busy to go grocery shopping with Hinata, Naruto started tagging along. He would help her bring up all the groceries and even put them away with her. He learned every drawer & cabinet in her apartment. It brought him joy... it made him feel comfortable & it made her feel the same way.

Of course there was the fear of getting too comfortable. Which was already happening.

They stopped in front of an aisle that was all couple costumes. At first they were pretty innocent, costumes of old people, matching animal suits like dinosaurs or movie characters. Naruto picked up the little bag that had a  fox onsie, passing it to Hina with a raised eye brow & a smile "eh?". Hinata giggled while shaking her head no.

She started walking ahead of him looking at the wall as the attire became more scandalous. "You know.." She said lowly, "you m-might be with Ino by the time Halloween comes...".

Naruto sneakily observed her expressions, keeping a poker face on. "So you're saying you don't want to dress up with me?". There was a bit of an attitude in his voice & causing her to snap her head at him. "T-that's not what I meant! I just mean.. we'll you'll probably want to dress up with your real girlfriend. It might be a waste of money to get someth-". He cut her off by gently coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist & speaking in her ear which caused her to freeze. "If that happens then I'll just return it. We can still go out & celebrate together right?". Her heart rate increased rapidly. That voice of his was just so hypnotizing and slightly commanding. "R-right" she whispered back. He kissed the skin right next to her ear and let go her.

He knew what he is was doing. And he knew it was wrong. He had feelings that were not sorted out but he couldn't help his urges. Without knowing, Hinata was tempting him. And the more she didn't tell him to stop or move away from his cheek kisses and touchy nature it only motivated him. One of these days he was gonna take his tongue & shove it down her-

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now