25. 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏

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A.N: the next couple of chapters are reaaaaallll fluffy & a whole lot of lemon!

N: the next couple of chapters are reaaaaallll fluffy & a whole lot of lemon!

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With a relationship like their's , a lot of things were out of order. Well... out of order for the average couple, but Naruto and Hinata are anything but average. Between them, nothing is normal.

"Do I really have to keep these on the whole time?!".

Hinata giggled, looking at him then looking back at the road. "Yes my prince. But don't worry we are 10 minutes away".

He slouched in the passenger seat, folding his arms like the big baby he was. "And I can't get just one eeney teeney tiny hint?". Hinata rolled her eyes at his ridiculousness "I already told you we've been somewhere just like this".

Off the top of his head, nothing came to his mind. They'd been to parties, bowling alleys, arcades, restaurants, malls, school? Seriously where could she be taking him? Hinata's smile grew as Naruto grunted. Truly she was nervous. This was actually a pretty big step. A step that was happening fast. But if Naruto let Hinata into the dark sides of his world, then it was only right she did the same.

Her biggest gratitude, is that she was with someone as deep as her. Not so obviously sensitive & mushy, but underneath that hot hard & often playful exterior, Naruto was a reflection in Hinata's mirror. He had to be one of her favorites. In every way they were alike they were also opposite. As their relationship grew, Hinata has begun to play with the idea that Naruto was her perfect match.

It may be a thought too soon to think... but it's what she honestly felt.

A parking spot was acquired, and Hinata ran to the passenger side to help a blind folded Naruto get out. "Boyfriends are supposed to be the ones surprising their girlfriends ya know? Not the other way around" he grunted. In the crisp November wind, they held tight hands down grassy pathways. "My love but you did surprise me with this very thing. You just didn't blind fold me".

Naruto could tell they were walking down wards, the ground beneath him started slanting. His mind still couldn't register where she could have possibly taken them. Suddenly they turned right and after some paces they stopped.

Hinata let go of his hand, tip toed up and removed the blind fold, her next words coming out in a cute whisper "I had something important to show you".

The warmth provided by the black cloth was replaced by a cold shoot of wind against the skin. Immediately Naruto saw the blue afternoon sky, trees with barely any leaves and a large hill. At first he thought they were at a valley, like the one they went to see the shooting star. But when he turned around, his suspicion was half confirmed. It was a valley, but more importantly, it was a graveyard.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now