10. 𝑨 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉

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He was a better opponent than she thought. Every move was perfectly calculated. She could feel her forehead sweating from hard concentration. She shouldn't be surprised, after all he did beat shikamaru.

Toneri found her focused face adorable. "Don't over think it" he said. Hinata rolled her eyes "Whatever".

He laughed. In the far secluded corner of the second library on campus, Toneri and Hinata we're getting to know each other through a game of chess. "Someone's competitive" he snorted.

"Someone determined. And someone else is completely foolish to not join our chess team!".

Toneri and Hinata looked up at each other, he could see her curious face wanting to know why he really wouldn't join.

"I have no interest Hinata".

"Okay but you have talent! We could really use a guy like you this year".

He took one of her hands and kissed it. "Like I said, my only interest was playing against you".

The gesture made her blush and he let go of her hand. "Well clearly I'm not that much of a match, you're gonna win this round, again".

He smirked "You are a challenge, also a mystery....I wanted to get to know you on your terms".

She smiled, Toneri said everything so calm and collected. But with confidence. "Well what do you want to know?".

"Anything... everything".

"Well I like to play board games as you can see, I like reading, but you know that because I work in the library". She started getting flustered as she noticed his intense gaze on her. She couldn't handle it.

"Tell me about you! I know nothing about you other than that you are a talented but cocky chess player who seems so intent on getting to know me".

He moved another piece and decided to forfeit the game. Finally they would be conversing. He laid back in his chair.

"Well I'm a junior here at this university. I transferred last year. Like you I like board games but I also like astronomy. My major is philosophy, and like you said I'm intent on getting to know you because I find you quite endearing".

She furrowed her brows "You only saw me once".

"And that was all I needed. I'm intrigued . I'm also a bit of a loner, and it's never a bad thing to befriend seemingly nice people. Ones who have the same interests as me".

She nodded, she liked that he wasn't pressing her like the rest of the boys at their school do.

"Okay...why did you transfer here?".

He stiffened "I had some drama at my last school, and this university was the best option".

Hinata frowned "Drama?".

He sighed "I had this crazy ex girlfriend who would do anything for me to take her back. When I wouldn't budge she started making all these crazy rumors about me. I know I could've taken her to the Dean but she was just heart broken. Besides I wanted to leave my hometown anyways".

Hinata nodded, feeling bad for him "I know what that's like.... Well not the rumors. But crazy ex? Check that off the list".

He laughed "So that hot head from last week was him?".

She nodded and sighed "Sadly yes. Thank you again for getting him to back off. Sometimes he just comes out of nowhere".

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking".

He already knew what happened.

"Long story short he lied and cheated, and that's not something I'm willing to reconcile".

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now