11. 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔

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It was a nasty bruise. The side of his eye was partially swollen but the black and blues lead down to the middle of his cheek.

She was grabbing his face shaking his head all over. "Who did this to you handsome?".

Ino already knew, the video went viral within hours of it being posted.

"Inuzuka" Naruto responded dryly.

She placed her gentle hands on his chest.

"Why? What does he want with you?".

He didn't like the fact that she was playing dumb but her concern made his heart flutter.

"What do you want with me? Why did you ask me to meet you here?".

They were behind one of the buildings on campus. After seeing the video of Naruto kick Kiba's ass over Hinata, Ino knew it was time to get serious.

"I want to talk".

He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Are you just here to tell me more hateful lies about Hinata?".

"No!" She protested. Ino sighed "They aren't lies.... But that's not why I asked you to meet me here".

He folded his arms and stared at her intently. Over the last couple of weeks Naruto and Ino had been messaging more frequently but it was like her interest came in spurts. One day she'd be on him then for several days she would ghost him. Naruto's longing for her was starting to waver. Especially with all the time he spends around his princess.....But he was determined to settle this. It was either he had one chance or no chance at all.

"Go on".

She pulled herself together and brought out the puppy eyes, lip pouting and that sincere voice that could make any man believe her.

Ready? And ....ACTION!

"I'm not one to tell you what's good for you... but seeing you hurt... that's the last thing I'd ever want to happen".

She gentle unfolded his arms and looked deep within his eyes. "You have no reason to believe anything I say. And I know what I did is unforgivable... but I realize now that I want to make it up to you".

What is she saying?
Could she really... after all this time.... Care for me?

Her eyes....

Narutos heart rate started to pick up... this is what he wanted, for her to see him, to think about the good times they used to have. He wanted her to be the one to ask for him back.

But Naruto wasn't fully stupid. A blonde? Yes of course, but not that dumb.

"Why now? " he asked "It's been three years... what changed?".

She took a step closer to him so her breasts were touching his chest, lighting caressing a cheek talking to him sweetly "Seeing you with her... I can't lie it reminds me of what we used to have".

Ino knew she was slowly reeling him in.

Strategically Ino backed away... holding her hands behind her back as if she did something naughty "I just ... I just want us to have a re do...as friends".

Naruto was more than conflicted. This woman, she was playing her part well but she wasn't pouncing on the opportunity to be with him romantically or sexually. Which is very unlike the Ino he had known she'd become. He folded his arms again and looked her up and down.

He couldn't front she looked sexier than ever , the three years they'd been apart she had increasingly grown more attractive. She was also a player... a woman who very similarly to him had not settled down with anyone.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now