4. 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍

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"Is this really necessary?" Hinata asked as she shifted uncomfortably in the car seat.

Naruto rolled his eyes "Yes! We need to make it look like we are REALLY dating".

"Okay I get that, but we can just show up to parties and take a couple of pictures when we have time".

Sasuke rolled his eyes "Naruto hasn't been in a relationship is ages Hina so he really doesn't know what he's doing here".

The blonde scowled at him through the middle view mirror "It's not enough for us to just be seen at parties. You don't even really like parties so we need to take the opportunity to be seen out in other places".

Hinata nodded, he did have a point.

"Okay so how do you propose we do this? What's the first step?"

Naruto rolled his eyes as if the answer was obvious "We need to be seen out together. Often. Not all the time but enough for people to notice & spread word".

Hinata was confused "Spread word? How is that going to happen?".

Now it was Sakura and Sasuke giving Hinata a deadpan look from the back car seats.
"Hina are you serious? People are constantly talking about you"her best friend said.

Hinata evidently had a hard time understanding people's fascination with her. Yes she could say she was pretty, but she wouldn't say she was a super model. She wouldn't necessarily call herself interesting but she could see how people maybe thought she was mysterious? But she was just quiet, that didn't mean she was harboring secrets... She was kind, that was obvious, but still she didn't see what people saw. But something bothered her about the comment. She felt like with Naruto this didn't apply because not even HE knew who she was , and he was quite popular himself....

"Now people will be talking about US. But that's only gonna happen if we are out and about looking madly in love".

"IN LOVE????" They all shrieked!

He gave them a bewildered look "Did I say something wrong".

"Dobe you just started this plan 3 days ago. Yea rumors are spreading but let's not forget who YOU are & that this is very sudden".

"What is that supposed to mean?" He growled.

"It means you are famous player who hasn't settled down since highschool. If this is gonna look believable, especially to Kiba, then you need to drag this time line. How is that YOU all of a sudden fell MADLY in love with Hinata? You need a story".

"I mean I don't think it's that's unbelievable, look at her everyone already is madly in love with her and they haven't even dated her".

Hinata's cheeks went red, the the comment rolled off of his tongue so smoothly.

"They aren't in love with her they are infatuated & obsessed. You use the word love so carelessly Naruto!" Sakura huffed

Sasuke laughed But he is "in love" with Ino... sure...
"Okay whatever... what do you two propose we do?", he gripped the steering wheel in agitation.

"Well it's way to early to broadcast or make it look like you two are in love. And wait-" Sakura got curious, "Are you two gonna be kissing in public?".

The fake lovers stared at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean?" They both said to each other at the sand time.
"You first" they said in unison again.
"Ugh! No you first!" They said again.

Sasuke smirked, what an interesting duo these two made.

Hinata sighed " Naruto we can't just kiss all the time. Or a lot. We don't NEED to do that".
"What are you talking about? We HAVE to!" He fired back.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now