21. ❤︎︎𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖❤︎︎

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"Who is he in relation to the patient?"  The nurse asked Sakura

"I'm her boyfriend" he spoke sternly. Sasuke smirked.

The nurse was still concerned "What happened to you? Do you want some medical attention before you go in?" She said as she examined the bruises on his face and hands.

"I was dealing with the guy that roofied my girlfriend".

She smiled "Very well. She is starting  to
stir so I think she is going to wake soon".

All he could do was look at her with a broken heart. He was balling his fists so hard his knuckles nearly popped out.

"Has anyone contacted her family?" She asked.

Sakura spoke "They'll be on their way soon".

They all entered the room quietly. The growing sound of a beeping monitor is what she first heard. Repeated thumps invaded her skull.

Why is my head pounding?

As her body & mind awakened, Hinata felt slight drowsiness & a pain from her head to her toes.

Her eyes slowly started to open and when she fully could, her vision was clouded by bright white lights and everything was blurry.

She looked around the room seeing blobs of pink black and yellow.

Hinata rubbed her eyes but when she touched her left one she felt immediate pain.


It was strong enough to make her cry.

"Hinata sweetie can you hear me?" She heard a woman's voice say.

She nodded with tears coming out.

"Where am I?".

She decided to rub her right eye to try and see. Soon the colors she saw where the heads of Sakura Sasuke and Naruto.

She looked around once more, recognizing she was in a hospital room.

"You're at the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" The nurse asked her.

Hinata felt another wince of pain.
"Ow!". This pounding headache and now sore eye were all she could think about but she tried hard to remember how she even got here.

"Umm, I was..."

Her mind slowly flooded back with the memories.

"I..I.. was".

Mentally she pictured his white hair, pale eyes & how off he was acting.

"I was at bar, and I felt weird so I texted Sakura".

Seeing her in this bed, weak, afraid & hurt made his blood boil. It should've never came to this.

"Then he got me a drink because I was thirsty". Her throat salivated remembering how much she just needed water that moment at the club. Everything after started coming back much faster.

She started to stare at the bed blankly. Her heart sinking.

Choking on her words "We went outside...my head started spinning".

Hinata started to cry again "I-I felt weak but I scratched him".

She was fully sobbing "But then he hit me".
"And then everything went black... did he... did he rap-"

"No" Sasuke said sternly.
"I punched him right after you blacked out. Naruto went back and... finished business with him".

She looked up surprised as she registered Narutos beat up face. His bloodied visage made her forget all about her own pain.
She started crying harder "Naruto you-".

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now