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After class, you followed the couple once again until they parted ways once they exited the campus grounds.

Now it was your chance!

"Uh, excuse me!" You ran after the taller boy, turning on your innocent little girl attitude. He turned around in confusion, his hair flew around and landed back onto his slim and sharp face and covering a little bit of his eyes. He was quite handsome.

"Uh... Can I- Can I have your number please?" You bowed in a 90º angle with a bag of cookies that you bought at 7/11 earlier. You pretended to be flushed and flustered, you forced a pink blush onto your cheeks, but it was probably there already since you chased after him.

He stood surprised for a while, his face was searching for a reaction to express. "Thank you..." He began as he plastered a kind smile onto his face, "But I can't return your feelings." He was ready to turn his body around and continue walking away, bag slung over his shoulder.

"No! I- Please... I won't rush things... Is it okay if we can just exchange numbers?" You "panicked" with your hand rushing to your cheek and hoping that Light wouldn't leave just yet. He turned around once again with hesitation. "Sure." He simply responded, pulling his flip phone from his pockets.

Yes! Yes! Is his type shy girls? Oh, men always love shy and gullible girls!

"Thank you!" You quickly grabbed your pink flip phone that jingled with charms, and you both held your phones, head to head, the details sharing wirelessly. "This is for you. I wasn't sure what flavour you liked so I bought all of them!" You pushed the cookies into his large and warm hands, giving him a smile and quickly looking away from his face, flustered and shy.

In the corner of your eye, you could see a wide smile appear on his face. You didn't care if it was genuine or not, all that mattered was that you got his number! Now it's time to manipulate this man!

"Do you want to walk home together then?" His demeanor switched from defensive to opening and caring which you noticed. "Yes please! I can walk you home, I live quite far." You told him. The truth is you lived super close to the university. 

The boy next to you seemed cunning and manipulative, you could easily tell. A smart boy. It was easy for you to recognise these types of people since you were surrounded by people similar ever since you were a child. A child who was trained to manipulate, deceive, and conquer.

Your parents were of high reputations, a family filled with doctorate degrees and desires for research and answers. The non-existent empathy and emotional love, but only a search for fame for your family.

What was your motive with this boy? You didn't even know. All you knew was that you wanted to toy with him, dominate him and control all of his actions without any of his knowledge.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name." Light started, and his footsteps slowed down to match the pace of yours. "It's (Y/N) (L/N)." You quietly mumbled but loud enough for only Light to hear.

Oh yes! This shy, gullible, stupid, and innocent little girl act is so easy! I'm so gonna get my way soon! Just you wait Light Yagami... I will eat you up before you even realise! You will succumb to my every action-

"Oh! (L/N), as in the family with the best researchers and child prodigies? I heard about the (L/N) family in the news last year, that's a bit crazy to think that I'm going to the same school as one of their offsprings." He showed a dashing smile, so charming that you could- Wait what?!

He knows you?! No... this was not according to the plan! Damn the news, damn the media! How dare they use your family name to report whatever BS news they have! Ugh, now he knows that you have a secret motive to get close to him. There's no way this amazing, genius child from a family of mass-produced child slaves can be even into such an ordinary boy like Light! Damn you news reporters!

"Haha... Yup... That's me!" Your plan failed from step one already? You have got to be joking! Now you need to think of a new plan ASAP before he realises something is off.

"Yagami, do you by any chance have a girlfriend?" You questioned the boy who was facing away from you, taking in the scenery of the suburbs of Japan. But you knew, he had the biggest smirk stamped onto his stupid face.

"Girlfriend?" He repeated. You have him trapped now. If he says no, then you know he is just a stupid little liar but if he says yes, then you know that he's just a good-for-nothing cheater!

"Well, the truth is, I have a so-called girlfriend but I guess I only accepted her feelings because I felt too bad to turn her down. I don't really feel satisfied in our relationship." This guy is just too perfect! 

"I see. That's a really tough situation Yagami." You tried to console him with a small smile. Then the pair of you walked together in peace and silence.

"Oh, this is my home. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Light gave you an adorable smile, his eyes filled with innocence and purity. Ugh, if only you weren't so evil, you'd actually be so cute!

"Bye-bye Yagami! See you tomorrow!" You smiled back with the same innocence and skipped away, painting the image of a lovestruck girl who finally had the confidence to express her love.

a/n: i been eating dis chocolate cake and it tastes kinda weird T_T i thought it was gonna be DELISH

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