twenty three

633 13 7

You and Light allowed Ann to sleep over, giving her a spare blanket as she laid on the couch.

In the morning, you had gotten up to get ready for school. Ann woke up promptly as she heard your footsteps around the house. Light then woke up, being the last one.

All of a sudden, both of your's and Light's phones began to ring, probably waking up the whole neighbourhood in the early morning. You hurriedly picked it up as L's voice came through. "Please come to the headquarters, Watari is outside your home." He hurriedly spoke before hanging up suddenly.

A wave of worry overcame your body as Ann turned to look at you in surprise. "Is everything okay?" She asked you before Light's heavy footsteps rushed downstairs. "Let's go (Y/N)!" He had quickly changed into some simple casual clothes as you nodded in return to him.

You grabbed Ann's hand to pull her off the couch as the three of you rushed outside to be met with that black limousine you've seen too many times now.

Light was restless, his leg shook up and down and his eyes constantly moved from side to side. You all sat in the back, waiting in silence to arrive at the headquarters. Ann had a slight idea of what was happening due to your explanation the day before, but she was more confused than anything.


"I've confirmed that Misa Amane is the second notebook holder." L's voice was quiet but his voice echoed through the large and pale room. The police force were stood as their faces switched to surprised, their mouths were wide open.

Light's face was also deeply shocked as you saw sweat drip down his face and neck. You didn't say anything since you had already suspected it.

You, Light and Ann were standing near the entrance of the building whilst L was sitting in front of his computer screen. You noticed Ann's hands were closed tightly into fists as her arms laid loosely at her sides.

"No- L, that can't be! There has to be something wrong!" Matsuda spoke up, he felt as if his ears were deceiving him. Ann noticed the two notebooks on the centre of the large table as her eyes would constantly flick between L and the notebooks. The other was most likely Misa's.

You were staring deeply at Rem whose face became shocked and afraid, he suddenly began to shake and your eyes followed his every move. "Ann! The notebook!" You pointed and called out to her as she was ready to rush over and flick it open. He was stood, towering over the table.

That shinigami... is going to write down L's name in its notebook! The only way to claim ownership of the notebook is to use it yourself. Damnit! I can't have Ann using it!

Thoughts rushed through your head as you knew the shinigami was close to writing L's full name into its notebook. The time passed slowly, each second felt like a minute.

You and Ann had devised a plan earlier in case L's life was to be in danger. You hadn't thought that even the shinigamis had notebooks of their own!

Ann ripped out a pen from her pocket as she wrote in big letters her target. You wanted to stop her, but what was the point now? Everyone's lives were crumbling beneath you... everything was falling apart. She finished writing her target's name as you screamed at her "Get rid of it!" 

She looked over at you with fear in her eyes as she repeated after you, "Get rid of it!" She screamed loudly with her eyes shut tightly. Ryuk entered the room through the ground as he looked at the scene before him. 

Ann then began to grab at her neck and chest, a deep and breathy cough erupting from her mouth. She choked and bent over at her hips, similar noises were coming from the shinigami too. It seemed that Rem wrote Ann's name, instead of L's name.

He disappeared from your sight as you ran towards Ann. You held her hand and her body slumped into yours. " He... got me..." She slowly and quietly mumbled, her words were interrupted by her coughing.

"Mon...ster..." She mumbled as tears began to fill your eyes, your vision became blurry and she forced a smile on her face. "I'll... miss you... It was better... for m-me to do this..." She spoke quieter as her body spazzed in your arms before she slowly shut her eyes. 

"Wh- why?" You cried out as Ryuk fetched the notebook into his large and sharp hands, he looked over at you with his usual expression. "Heh... I hope to see you again soon." He said to you, his tone was melancholic and regretful but you waved goodbye to him.

Your suspicions against Light were right. Those four words could get rid of the shinigami and the notebook from the owner's hold. 

Rem had disappeared, Ryuk followed him as the pair were nowhere to be soon. Ann's eyelids shut gracefully as her body was limp and her heartbeat was silent.

"A-Ann!" Light stammered before rushing over. You avoided his eyes but you knew he was different once again. The room was quiet as everyone was afraid to move. L crouched on his chair

Tears dripped from the bottom of your cheek, landing onto your hand holding onto the limp hand of Ann's. All that was heard in the room was the sniffles you made and the sound of choking from your breath getting stuck in your throat.

a/n: i know people don't like added characters so she ded :3

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