twenty one

627 17 9

a/n: my holidays are ending soon CRI (╯︵╰,) f skool

"Geez..." You groaned as you walked out of class, your books in your hand and your bag was heavy over your shoulders. Both you and Light were on campus but you didn't share any classes together today.

But as soon as you stepped foot at the front of the school, you were met with the scene of Misa with her arms wrapped all around Light. A crowd surrounded the pair but you rolled your eyes at them.

You overheard multiple people and their conversations, things like: "She's so cute!", "They're like soo made for each other!" or "They complement each other so well!"

You internally told them all to shut up as you sped off to leave campus. The thought crowded your mind, maybe Light really wasn't worth it. You were just confused and let your heart overtake your brain.

You knew L had his evidence against Light ready but he wasn't able to devise a plan yet. You recognised that every time Misa Amane's name was brought up in a conversation, that boney, white shinigami would jolt. There was something between them.

You had a bad feeling that if L were to act, he would be dead.

You stopped in your step as you turned to look behind you. You felt a cold chill travel down your spine as you saw Misa and Light walking behind you. They were far enough to not notice you so you ran behind a corner and peeked around it.

You turned the corner once again and peeked around that one, waiting for Light and Misa to pass without them noticing you.

Once they came into sight, Light looked in your direction which made you quickly retract your head and hide. A few seconds later you looked back again, this time you were faced with Light's arm around Misa's slender waist and his other arm was tight on the back of her head. Misa's hands were against his torso as their lips connected. Making out for what felt like forever.

"Ugh, gross." You cringed as you left your little hiding spot. Your phone rang in your pocket, alerting everyone around you. You quickly fondled for the phone in your pocket, as you pulled it out, whipping the screen open.

"(Y/N)! Come to Kabukicho! We're waiting for you!" Ann's voice yelled in excitement through the phone. You weren't sure what was happening in Kabukicho but you obeyed her and ran to Kabukicho.


"Yeahh! Way to go Reina!" Voices yelled out to encourage the underaged girl to drink. She swung the green beer bottle from her lips and into the air to show that the bottle was now empty.

The sky was dark but the neon lights from afar shined brighter than the skies. You and Ann and her friends were situated behind a dimly lit alleyway, in a carpark which was also a garbage dump.

You stood awkwardly with your arms crossed whilst some people were sat on the floor, one leg up on the ground and the other laid on the group, some people sat on black garbage bags filled with a strong stench or there were others who stood up like you, but with a cigarette in one hand. It was just that no one was as awkward as you were.

"(Y/N), you've changed." An intoxicated girl giggled at you, with a half-empty bottle in her hand. Your clothes weren't as flamboyant as they were since you started university. Today you wore a brown plaid pencil skirt with a white blouse tucked in and a brown beret lying on your head.

"She's right, but you're still the (Y/N) I know." Ann turned over to you as she let out a genuine smile, even though she was drunk and high.

You ignored the mess of people in front of you until one of the men stood up and smashed his bottle onto the ground with a large growl. "Argh!" He screamed with his loose jean pants sliding down, sagging around his hips. His hair was in a mohawk with red tips and he wore a dark grey distressed t-shirt.

"I hate this stupid life! What is the point of living anymore?!" He screamed, tears running down his face. His voice cracked but he was raging with pure anger. Ann jumped up in fear as she grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the scene.

"That guy is soo scary!" She drunkenly insulted him, her arm reaching out to point at him. "We should probably leave." You suggested as you both stood far from the group, almost blending in with the dark shadows. "No! Let's watch the drama!"

"Fuck this!" Other members of the group joined in, smashing their green beer bottles onto the ground as they disintegrated into the ground. Other members screamed and jumped up from their spots, afraid of the glass shards bouncing off of the ground.

"Cowards! You're all cowards!" That man yelled aggressively at the members who ran off in fear. This guy was more than drunk, he's probably on illegal drugs.

He suddenly pulled a sharp object from his pockets and lunged at a boy who stood next to him, stabbing him in the stomach. Next, he stabbed a girl in the leg, pulling out the knife and stabbing her arm. She screamed in terror and pain, watching the blood drip and pour from her open wounds. The man then stabbed himself in his stomach.

"What is this..." Your face was painted with fear, turning pale and shaking. "(Y/N)..." Ann's voice quivered, looking at you before pulling you by your arm and running out of the alleyway. Her legs were shaky like jelly but her determination to escape overpowered her fear. You tried to keep up with her speed as you felt like your legs weren't able to hold you.

A loud thud echoed through your ears. Someone probably fell over from blood loss.

The thought horrified you and you felt your throat tighten up. Finally reaching an area where it was crowded, you and Ann stopped sprinting and began to pant and cough.


"I just didn't know he was capable of that." She resentfully sighed, "I didn't know any of them were capable of that." She continued.

It was the next morning and you had invited Ann over, you didn't want her spending her day alone. You nodded in agreement as you both were sat on the couch with your cups of tea on the coffee table and two slices of store-bought cake.

She watched the news closely as it announced the deaths of the gangsters, however, the knife wielder suffered a heart attack in the hospital and passed away. The victims were being treated in the same hospital safely.

Ann was at a loss for words, sounds came out of her mouth but they were definitely not words. "I really wish I could go back in time." She sighed, laying her head onto the headrest as her eyes shut closed.

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