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Light spent the night at the headquarters, presumably with Misa. You assumed this because of his slanted eyes that seemed like he could barely lift them, a dark nature was hidden behind those eyes. You've seen it too many times that it's easily recognisable too you now. Apparently, people's eyes are the most honest part of their face, but what was truly horrifying about Light was that he could control his every move without fault. His acting skills were more than just talented.

That notebook... It must be what's causing evil to reconcile with Light's mind and soul.

If Light now has that notebook, and Misa was presumed to be the second Kira, trouble was coming.

You weren't able to connect the dots properly but you had a rough idea of what was happening surrounding that notebook.

You took a look inside the book last night as L read out all the rules stated on the front of the page. The people to be wary of now were Light, Misa and that terrifying shinigami.

You already finished your first lesson of the day and was currently waiting in the classroom for your second class with Light Yagami.

He walked in with his hair, neater than usual and his strides were long and confident. "Good morning." You smiled at him as he ignored you. You rolled your eyes at him as he took a seat next to you.

"You're awfully sexy today." His hand gripped your thigh, rubbing up and down and smirking lustfully. You pushed his hand off of your thigh and thought of something else to speak about. "Did you stay with L last night?" You questioned him, avoiding his eye contact.

"Misa to be in fact. Why? Does it bother you?" He teased you, he stayed still, only his mouth and eyes moving to look you up and down. His chin rested on his fist, propped up on the desk. "Huh, (Y/N)?" He stared at you with those deadly eyes.

"No... It was good that I didn't have to make you dinner." You grumbled under your breath as you prepared for the lecture, flipping the pages in your notebook. 

"You are so silly." His voice was dark and evil, hidden intentions were laced under his voice. This was nothing like the Light Yagami you knew a week ago. 

You ignored him for the rest of the lesson as he got bored and laid his head onto the desk to take a nap.


After class, you walked out with Light. However, you both stood far from each other like you had just met. It was awkward and you were afraid, thinking of a plan to approach him.

Walking home together made you wanna sob, the silent air and your timid footsteps echoed through your ears. You suddenly stopped in your step as Light followed.

He turned his head and raised his eyebrow at you, confused about your sudden actions. "Light Yagami... You are Kira!" You yelled at him, eyes shut, afraid of the repercussions. He looked around in panic, making sure there were no other people around to hear.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" He walked towards you as he moved the hair out of your face, he bent his back so that his face met yours.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are Kira." Your eyes filled with a deep hatred, anger filled your veins as you felt your blood chill.

His eyes stared deep into yours. His eyes were like blood, he was deathly horrifying. "Why don't we speak about this when we get home?" He spoke, barely a whisper. 

You both continued walking home. Thankfully, the walk was short.

As the door shut behind the two of you, you were slammed against the wall. You flinched at the rapid movement as your back stung from the contact. You let out a moan of discomfort as Light's face was close to yours, you felt his heavy breath on your face.

"(Y/N) (L/N)... Who would have thought that a sly girl like you would be dominated so easily?" He smirked, a maniacal look building on his face. You looked away, your cheeks becoming pink from the embarrassment as you pushed him away from his torso, but he didn't budge.

"So, you admit you're the infamous Kira?" You interrogated him once again, this time with your eyebrow rising in confidence, your emotions were no longer in the way. Light reminded you of the woman you originally were. Your arms crossed loosely as you looked up at him, straight into his evil and deceitful eyes.

He went silent for a moment, his eyes were stuck in thought. "There's no use hiding it from such a smart girl like you." That dishonest smirk was stuck on his face as it got stronger each second. 

That was a trouble-free confession. "But what is your motive?" You moved your back closer to the wall, making sure the phone in your back pocket was rubbing against the wall through your pants. The phone had been open since you suddenly paused in your step, but only now did you press record. You just hoped your phone hadn't died before this.

"To rid the world of evil. To become the God who brings peace and health to his people." He walked away from you, with his arms up and his face upwards. He let out a maniacal laugh before turning back to you. "You have two choices (Y/N): become useful to me or rot in the ground with the other disgusting creatures."

Jeez, you hate this guy. "Rid the world of evil?" You repeated, feigning confusion. "So you write the name in the notebook whilst thinking of the person, and that's how you hope to free the world of evil?" Your finger was on your cheek as you thought aloud. Light seemed to not understand what you were trying to hint at.

He nodded slowly at you, squinting his eyes in suspicion. "Sounds fun, I've never heard of such a concept. Care to show me Light Yagami?" You stepped closer to him as you wiggled your face to be close to his, your eyes were half-closed, showing your seductive side to him.

"So, you're deciding to join me?" He looked at you with those evil eyes again as you stared right back. You were not losing to him

"It's a bit too early to say I'll join you, this is my trial period." You shrugged your shoulders, not letting go of the staring competition you had between you two. He gave you one last menacing smirk before turning around and walking up the stairs.

You reached for your back pocket as Light's back was turned, quickly pressing a button to finish the recording and slowly snapping the lid shut. You adjusted the hold on your pants to prevent suspicion.

He opened the door to his bedroom as the door fell onto you. You ignored his rude action as you took a seat on his plain and neat bed. He retrieved a screwdriver from under the mattress before picking at the wooden ground, pulling up a plank. 

You were shocked at his action as he pulled out a black notebook, identical to the one L was holding the night before. "This is my notebook." He handed it over to you, you hesitated before taking it into your hands.

That similar shiver went down your spine once again. You looked up from the notebook and saw a thin figure with a large back, he wore something black and his skin was grey. His eyes were large and wide, it was terrifying. "Hi." He greeted simply with his raspy and deep voice.

"Hello." You greeted back plainly with an odd look on your face. "You don't look very surprised." He commented on your look which you ignored. You opened the notebook and flicked through the pages. 

The notebook was used often, the corners of the page folded and the book looked a bit ripped and torn. The pages were turning yellow from the age, "You've used this a lot, haven't you?" You asked Light, your eyes stayed on the book.

"Are you impressed?"
"Will being impressed make you feel better?" You looked up at him and smirked while he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

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