twenty four

618 11 1

Light's demeanour was kind and gentle once again. The devious smirk was wiped off of his face and he cuddled you in his arms.

Watari had driven you two home after a two-hour talk at the headquarters. The ambulance were called for your friend whilst the news came out that Misa Amane had died of a heart attack, Ann had written her name in the notebook.

"(Y/N)... I-I'm so sorry." Tears filled his eyes as he sniffed to suppress them. He knew what he had done. "(Y/N)..." He cried into your shoulder as you both were situated on the floor at the entrance of your home.

"I'm scared." Your tears streamed down your cheek, it was warm and salty. Your knees were connected to the ground as Light was in the same position, his arms wrapped around your body.

"Light... you're not... Kira." You spoke through broken words while your sobs choked your throat. "I-I don't know." He looked away with his tears running down his face and landing onto his pants, wetting the fabric.


A month had passed since the incident and Light was excused of his death sentence. L flipped through one of your notebooks to realise that you had written a note before the notebook had been exposed. You described how the notebook possesses a person, changing their whole demeanour and personality, shown through Light Yagami.

It went into detail about the actions that would occur once they were in contact with the notebook. Hence, Light was excused.

The case was dropped but the public was not informed of what occurred, which you were thankful to L for. He was more thankful that Ann had saved his life, so that was the least he could have done for you.

"Light!" You called out to him gracefully, your long, black dress flowed with the wind. "Hurry!" You jumped up and down, a large smile painting onto your face. "Hold on (Y/N)!" He responded, struggling to hold the large bouquet of flowers in his arm.

Both of you were at the graveyard, paying your condolences to Ann's grave. The situation destroyed you but you were still able to smile. It was what she would have wanted, to see you smile once again.

Light was in a black suit which contrasted his pale skin and his light brown hair. It was styled with gel neatly and he looked strikingly charming. He stumbled in his step as the bouquet blocked his vision but he eventually made it up to you, standing in front of her grave.

He bent down onto one knee, placing the bouquet gently onto the dirt and gravel. "Thank you, Ann." He bitterly smiled, his eyes watered and his knee got dirty from the dirt. "Thanks, Ann!" You grinned through tears, kneeling on the ground next to Light.

Both of you clasped your hands together in a prayer gesture before bowing before her. "I'll miss you." You quietly mumbled, the tears finally running down your cheek. Light looked down at his feet and stood in silence.

"You won't be forgotten." He spoke quietly and regretfully before bowing again at a 90º angle.

"Let's go home now," you intertwined your arm with Light's and walked away from her grave, looking back a couple of times. 

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